Frequently Asked Questions - Technician Ham Radio Class

The following frequently asked questions (FAQs) are provided to help answer prospective student's questions on the technician ham radio class to be held on September 30 and October 7, 2006. Any additional questions on the class or obtaining an amateur radio license may be sent to Bill, KØRGR, at

  • Q:What is the Technician amateur radio license?
    A: The Technician license is the introductory amateur radio license. There are a total of four license types: Technician, Technician with Morse code, General and Extra. Each license type, beyond the entry level Technician, provide additional operating frequency privileges.

  • Q:What can I do with the Technician amateur radio license?
    A: The Technician license allows you to operate an amateur radio station on all amateur radio frequencies above 30 MHz. The Technician frequency privileges include the popular 2 meter band where most local and area communication occurs. An amateur with the Technician license can use voice repeaters using a mobile or hand-held radio to communication with other hams in the area or around the world via internet connections or amateur radio satellites. Many hams use their technician license to participate as severe weather storm spotters or to provide emergency communications support.

  • Q:Will I have my Technician amateur radio license at the end of the technician class?
    A: The two day ham radio class will prepare you to take the Technician amateur radio license exam, known of Element 2. The license examination session is administered by Volunteer Examiners (VEs) who are hams from the local area. The scheduled VE testing session following the class will be held on Thursday, October 13, 2006, at the American Red Cross building in Rochester. For more information on the testing session, see the RARC VE Testing web page.

  • Q:Do I have to know Morse code to get my amateur radio license?
    A: Morse code is not required for the entry level Technician license. However, passing a 5 word-per-minute code exam does provide more frequency privileges. The 5 word-per-minute code exam is also required for the more advanced General and Extra licenses.

  • Q: Are there any age requirements to get an amateur radio license?
    A: No, anyone can obtain an amateur radio license as long as they pass the license exam.

  • Q:How do I enroll to take the technician ham radio class?
    A: Class registration is through Rochester Community Education. The class title is "Amateur Radio Class." The Class Code number is 8335.131. You can register for the class by calling Rochester Community Education at 285-8646 or 285-8350 on Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You may also register on-line by logging onto and using your VISA or MasterCard credit card.

  • Q:How much does the technician ham radio class cost?
    A: The fee for the technician class is $40. The fee covers the cost of the ARRL study guide Now You're Talking!" plus reproduction costs to provide copies of the charts used by the instructors during the lectures.

  • Q:Can I get my class fee refunded if I can not attend the class?
    A: Rochester Community Education requires that cancellation must be made a minimum of one week prior to the class st art date for full cash refund. If cancellation is after the registration deadline of the class, you will be issued a credit voucher minus a processing fee and any costs incurred for ordering class supplies.

  • Q:What is the total cost to get my amateur radio license?
    A: The fee for the technician ham radio class is $40. The Volunteer Examiner (VE) fee for taking the Technician license exam is $12 (the examination fee may be changed for 2006).

  • Q:Where and when does the technician ham radio class meet?
    A: The technician ham radio class will meet on September 30 and October 7, 2006., at the American Red Cross building at 310 14th Street SE in Rochester, Minnesota. The class will start at 8:00 a.m. and end at 5:00 p.m. on each day.

  • Q:What lecture materials are used in the technician ham radio class?
    The technician class will provide the following materials to each student:
    1. The ARRL Technician study guide "Ham Radio License Manual", 1st Edition
    2. A document containing the Powerpoint charts used by the instructors during the lectures. The Powerpoint charts are also provided on a CDROM for review using a computer.
    The class instructors will also provide lecture discussions and demonstrations.

  • Q:Will there be ham radio class homework?
    A: Following each class day, the student will be expected to review the material (lecture charts and notes) presented during the class, read the appropriate chapters in the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual study guide and review questions in the question pool for the Technician exam. The complete question pool for the Technician exam is published in the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual publication. Computer software and web sites are also available to assist reviewing the question pool and to take "practice" tests.

  • Q:Where and when do I take the Technician amateur radio license exam?
    A: The Rochester Amateur Radio Club provides license exam sessions four times a year. Club members serve as Volunteer Examiners (VEs) for the testing sessions. The VE testing session following the class is scheduled for Thursday, October 13, 2006, at the American Red Cross building. Prior registration for the VE testing session is not required. For more information on the VE testing session, see the RARC VE Testing web page.

  • Q:What topics are covered on the Technician license exam?
    A: The Technician license exam, known as Element 2, consists of 35 multiple-choice questions. The test covers basic FCC rules, communications methods and procedures, basic electronics and safety topics. A passing score is 70% or 26 questions answered correctly.

  • Q:Who are the instructors for the technician ham radio class?
    A. The following members of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club are instructors for the technician ham radio class:
    1. Mel Larson, KCØP
    2. Bill Osler, KØRGR
    3. Brad Phelps, AIØBP
    4. Niel Wiegand, WØVLZ
    5. Peter Wollan, N8MHD
    All instructors are members of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club and hold Extra amateur radio licenses.

  • Q:Do I need a radio to attend the class?
    A. A radio is not needed to attend the class. The instructors will demonstrate different type of amateur radio equipment during the class and there will be discussion on what characteristics to consider when purchasing your first radio.

Last update: March 02, 2008