RARC Meeting Minutes – July 2009

The July meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order by Vice President Robert, KØRDA, at 7:00 in room SH-120 at the RCTC campus. There were approximately 30 members present.

Robert started the meeting with introductions.

There were no minutes from the past two meetings.  The secretary was absent again from this meeting.  Nothing to approve.

Rochester Amateur Radio Club

Treasurer's Report:  Tuesday, July  14, 2009

Account Balances:
Checking: $3,914.10
Total: $9,623.73

Transactions this period:
Interest: +$0.04
DXCC Expense (gambling permit):
RPU (3Q):
Qwest: -$16.39

Respectfully submitted,


RARC Treasurer

Membership status:  99 club members

Program:  Tonight’s program is final prep for the WØDXCC conference this weekend.


Tech: 82 on low power, working on amp issues

DX/Contest: None upcoming

Education: No one here.

ARES: Nothing new

EOC: New director in place for EOC.  New digital radio installed in EM-50.  Working on adding ATV equipment to EM-50.

Public Service: August will be the half marathon.  Working on a new possible event on Labor Day Weekend.

Old Business:

Field day results were presented.  Please see the Field Day page for score.  Any ideas/suggestions/changes/recommendations should be sent to Dave KØVH for next year’s event.  A big THANK YOU to all involved!

New Business:

WØDXCC convention is this weekend.  The program tonight will finalize details and help needed.

August Picnic – No one has volunteered to head this up.  A decision will be made soon as to what form the August meeting will be in – picnic, traditional meeting, or none.

A motion was made and seconded to purchase a $100 gift certificate to the restaurant of Pat’s WØBM wife for allowing us to host field day at their location.  The motion was approved – Bob KCØGND will take care of this.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:27.

Respectfully submitted, Robert Andrews, KØRDA

Program:  The program covered the volunteer needs for the WØDXCC event.  Please come one and all!

Last update: July 21, 2008