Meeting Minutes- March 2009

The March meeting of the Rochester Armature Radio Club was called to order by President Peter, N8MHD, at 7:08 in room SH-120 at the RCTC campus. There were 36 members present

Peter started the meeting with introductions.

The February meeting minutes were approved.

Rochester Amateur Radio Club

Treasurer's Report:  Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Account Balances:









Transactions this period:



IBM United Way:


2009 dues:


'.82 Repeater:


EXPO '09:




Respectfully submitted,


RARC Treasurer

Membership status:  73 club members paid for 2009 


·         Tonight Field Day

·         Kit build will be held next month

·         May will be ATV and the new ATV repeater

Committee Reports:

Tech. Committee- Eric KFØS

·         Cans on the .82 repeater were tuned and it have improved the receive on the repeater

·         Planning to do the same to the cans on the .625

·         Looking to have the cabinet delivered

·         .82 repeater was reprogrammed, a new voice is being used at the half hour announcement


·         Meeting is scheduled in March

Public Service- John NØHZN

·         May 15, Stay out of the sun run

·         May 24, Med City Marathon

·         May 30, Diabetes Tour De Cure

·         Possible event on May 18



·         10 confirmed orders for new vest, looking at getting them from a new location

·          Still taking orders for the vests

·         ARES patches are available

·         Any training ideas talk to Bob, ABØBW

·         The ARES badges have the Wrong Frequency, the UHF repeater is listed as 443.835 but is actually 443.850, this was changed on the most recent ones the printed


·         Skywarn training is March 16 at 6:30 at the Rochester International Event center

·         Training is required every other year for storm spotters

DX/Contesting- Scott KØMD

·         Desecnco DXpedition has returned, made over 150,000 contacts

·         State QSO parties coming up

·         Sat. 2nd class operators club marathon sprint

·         RTTY contest

Education- Bill NØNUV

·         Not much happening at Schaeffer

·         Have the required paperwork for the Century club

·         There are 2 rigs at Century already

·         May sell one rig to get money for the antenna gear

Field Day- Dave KØVH

·         Is the topic for tonight’s program


EXPO Committee- Scott- KØMD

·         Has good guest speakers lined up

·         Will take place July 18

·         KDØAFG will make a facebook event to advertise this

·         Website is


·         Nothing is happening with BPL



·         Echolink is running on the 146.625 repeater, contact Steve, WØSTV, with any problems you may find with it

·         AES ham fest in Milwaukee

Old Business

·         No Old Business


New Business

·         Club retention after classes is low

·         Ham radio class is coming up

·         Looking for someone to be a “greeter” for new hams

·         Looking for a weather observer for the Star Tribune

·         Possibly webcasting upcoming meetings programs

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00



Dave, KØVH, talked about the goals for field day. The event is going to be held at Pats home location again. They plan on having 2 or 3 stations, VHF+ Digital+ HF, with a separate QRP station. They do not plan on having a GOTA station but having times to shut off the digital and having a trainer with people on a SSB station during those times. They will have Volunteer sign ups at the April and May meetings. Catlin, KDØAFG, will set up an event on facebook for this event.


Respectfully Submitted,

Bryan Borland, KCØWIJ



Last update: March 19, 2008