RARC November 2009 Minutes

November 10, 2009



Discussion of Approval of October 2009 Minutes:

-Readdress motion for honorary student membership

-Motion to remove “honorary membership” vote from October 2009 minutes due to approval of a non-clarified RARC membership status and approve October minutes minus “honorary membership” rule pending officer clarification. Passed


Rochester Amateur Radio Club

Treasurer's Report:  Tuesday, Nov 10, 2009

Account Balances:
Checking: $3,126.11
Savings: $5,689.79
Cash: $20.00
Total: $8,835.90

Transactions this period:
Interest: +$0.04
Fire-Theft Insurance: -$85.00
Qwest: -$16.33

Respectfully submitted,


RARC Treasurer

Membership status:  103 club members

Vice President Report:

-position open for 2010

-talk to Rob KØRDA for information about this position

Tech Committee:

-looking for cabinet to ’82 repeater

-need  put in request for surplus cabinets.

-70 cm repeater has scarce use.

Public Service:

-nothing to report


-Minnesota City SET

-Digital HF

-Crossband Repeated from hill overlooking M.C.


-Red Cross radio failed, EOC donated surplus radio



-Field Day Club results 9th in the nation, 1st in the 0 class, 3rd in the Dakota Division

-QRP 7th in the nation, 1st in Dakota Division

-Thanks to Grant K1KD for organization and layout

-Multiple Contests going on in near future

Education Committee:

Move to approve and passed $150.00 to spend on books to donate to the library.

Library Donations
Discussed the circulation of donated books at the Rochester Public library.
Criteria for selection, high circulation, recent circulation, valuable information to all hams.
It was found that the following titles are the highest in circulation.
The ARRL Operating Manual 7th Ed. 33 circulations  (recommend update to 9th Edition $29.95)
The ARRL RFI  book 1st Ed             23 circulations  (recommend update to 2nd Edition $29.95)
The ARRL Antenna Handbook 19th Ed. 46 circulations
                                       17th Ed. 62 circulations
                                       16th Ed. 54 circulations (recommend update to 21st Edition $44.95)
The ARRL Extra Class Man. 8th Ed. 20 circulations (recommend update to 9th Edition $24.95)
The ARRL General Class  4th Ed  (Recommend update this manual when new edition comes out in 2011)
The ARRL Handbook for Radio 83rd, 84th, 86th ed.  11-13 ciculations each (Recommend update to 2010 ed $49.95).
There were many other books with various rates of circulation.
The committee also suggest the following titles to be added to round out the library.
ARRL's Low Power Communication 3rd Ed $19.95
ON4UN's Low Band DXing $39.95

$239.65 (not including tax and shipping) add to it $24.95 (appropx.) for General Class updated Edition in 2011.
Youth Education
-Focus on establishing connections with local scouting troops in conjuction with merit badges.
(I have a note here about Lou Behrensbut I cannot remember why?)
 -Restablishing connections with local school clubs
  some discussion that as kids are getting older (Jr. and Sr. High School that many begin to lose interest or have interests elsewhere)
  recommend having a rep. from RCTC and RPS on the eduction committee (volunteers, ideas?)
Non-ham education and Ham continuing education
Need and cost for future hams classes. New manual paper vs. Online or Downloadable manual.
What should the focus of the class be "Take the Test" or "Projects and hands-on opportunities for New Hams (Tech. Level)
What about General Level and Extra level??
Develop online coursework for hams or potential hams
-Some of this already exists.
Continuing Educational opportunities for licensed hams
 - 4 hour exposure classes offered three times a year. Examples would be a code class, digital class, antenna building class, etc etc.
 - Each 4 hour class could be previewed in our presentation offerings at our regular club meetings.
 - Classes not to be an extensive immersion/proficiency but offer hands on and basics that hams should know.
Pros: Increased profiency and knowledge base during drills and public service events, broaden horizons of hams in all levels
Cons: Potential for lack of interest and attendance  

Nomination Committee:

Openings for Secretary and Vice-President

Talk to members of the nominating committee if interested (see October 2009 minutes).

Rob KØRDA will make reservation for Christmas party

Old Business:

WØDXCC: Conference was a success.

New Business:

VE Test this Thursday November 12th

NWS is looking for River Level Observation Volunteers for Oxbow area.

Proposal for Winter Club Event: Mobile APRS Foxhunt .625 repeater


Presentation: Peter Moxon Rectangle, Hexbeam, and SpiderBeam antennas




Submitted by Rodney, KDØEBT

Last update: November 11, 2008