RARC Meeting Minutes – September 2009



August Picnic


-good turnout


July 2009 minutes


-Posted on the web


-Moved and Approved


Rochester Amateur Radio Club

Treasurer's Report:  Tuesday, Sept  14, 2009 (2 months)

Account Balances:
Checking: $7,499.12
Total: $13,208.83

Transactions this period:
Interest: +$0.08
2009 Dues:
DXCC income:
DXCC expense:
Field Day: -$352.29
'.82 repair: -$300.00
Liability Insurance: -$320.00
Office Supplies: -$35.20
Qwest: -$32.95

Respectfully submitted,


RARC Treasurer

Membership status:  100 club members

DXCC income and expense still being worked through by treasure due to some discrepancies and awaiting some expenditures


DXCC very good reports from attendees


Tech Committee:


-Digipeater went down during tandem rally…. After disconnect and reconnect works fine, no significant problems found, possible short


-All other repeaters in working order


-generator sent in for recall and returned and in good working order, used at the Tandem Bike ralley


Public Service:


-Good year for public service event


-thanks to all for the 2 day biking event


-Number of ham operators in the event from other areas


-discussion of having information about the event with the operators as they are often sought out for




-Airport Drill


-Sheets handed out for all Airport stationed operators


-Hospital Ops on 625 rptr


-Airport Ops on 255


-2 net controls at airport




-Note handouts for rptrs and simplex frequencies


-Have plenty of batteries


-Have badges and keep your assigned badges for security purposes at the airport.


-Be aware of all net control stations.


-Check in on Sunday net for last bit information for the Airport drill of contact Steve W. w0stv


-Sunday Night nets – going to use echolink with the net, if begins to interfere it will be shut down so stay on frequency


-Discussed Alternate site for Field day, will do a presentation in the future


-Ironwood Christian Ranch


-NWS Lacrosse open house 2-7 Thursday


DX and Contesting


-DX running good


-Europe Field Day and Asian DX over the Labor Day Weekend


-Many contest through November


-MN QSO Party operating mobile


-National Wildlife Refuge operations


-Afternoons 1-4 good DXing time


- FISTS Get Your Feet Wet coming up this weekend




-CW class


-See Peter for class instructions and materials


- Study group will meet start in near future


-Discussed possible informal meeting


-Some school activity




-Possible Rushford Drill in the plannings for October


New Business


-Look into changing meeting room to old location


-Program next Month College For Kids rap up


-Discussion of Net Control list for the 10 meter nets



Submitted by Rodney, kd0ebt

Last update: October 3, 2008