RARC Meeting Minutes – January 2010
January 2010 RARC Minutes 1/12/10 December 2009 Minutes moved to be approved and was accepted. Treasurer’s Report: Rochester Amateur Radio Club Treasurer's Report: Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 Account Balances: Checking: $3,525.46 Savings: $5,689.87 Cash: $20.00 Total: $9,235.33 Transactions this period: Interest: +$0.04 2010 Dues: +$265.00 2011 Dues: +$25.00 United Way (IBM): +$30.00 PO Box #1 rental -$60.00 RPU (1Q10): -$100.00 Qwest: -$16.58 Per
Club Bylaw Section 7.8, the RARC 2009 annual written report is at: http://www.rarchams.org/ Respectfully submitted Bob Bob KCŘGND RARC Treasurer Membership status: 103 club members (31 paid thru 2010) Technical Committee: -City of Rochester was the source for a cabinet for the ’82 repeater. Once snow has cleared, they will finish that project. Public Service: Frozen Goose Run – Feb. 06 Use HT’s and contact John nØhzn if interested in helping. Stay out of the Sun Run in May. ARES: Contact Bob abØbw for the new sign up for net control operator. MedComm: Nothing to report. Will Update phone tree. EOC: Ownership for ‘255 repeater is being changed -Skywarn Training March 24th (See Website) Must pre-register Education
Committee: Old Business: Membership status Vote: -Robert kØrda reviewed discussion and proposal. -1. reduced Student Membership dues at $5 which is a change from the current fee schedule 2. remove the age limit 3. Remove the full time status. 27 present: 26 aye, 1 neigh. Motion passed. New Business: Contesting: VHF contest, QSO party coming up. Check out the ARRL website for details. VE Testing Session February 11th 6:30 at the Red Cross Building. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M. Presentation: Trunked Radio and activity in Minnesota --- Robert kØrda
Submitted by Rodney, KDØEBT |
Last update: January 14, 2010 |