RARC Meeting Minutes – January 2010



January 2010 RARC Minutes 1/12/10

December 2009 Minutes moved to be approved and was accepted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Rochester Amateur Radio Club

Treasurer's Report:  Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010

Account Balances:

Checking: $3,525.46

Savings: $5,689.87

Cash: $20.00

Total: $9,235.33

Transactions this period:

Interest: +$0.04 

2010 Dues: +$265.00 

2011 Dues: +$25.00 

United Way (IBM): +$30.00 

PO Box #1 rental -$60.00 

RPU (1Q10): -$100.00 

Qwest: -$16.58 

Per Club Bylaw Section 7.8, the RARC 2009 annual written report is at: http://www.rarchams.org/finance/RARC_Financial_2009.htm

Respectfully submitted



RARC Treasurer

Membership status:  103 club members (31 paid thru  2010)

Technical Committee:

-City of Rochester was the source for a cabinet for the ’82 repeater. Once snow has cleared, they will finish that project.

Public  Service:

Frozen Goose Run – Feb. 06 Use HT’s and contact  John nØhzn if interested in helping.

Stay out of the Sun Run in May.


Contact Bob abØbw for the new sign up for net control operator.

MedComm: Nothing to report.  Will Update phone tree.

EOC: Ownership for ‘255 repeater is being changed

-Skywarn Training March 24th (See Website) Must pre-register

Education Committee:
The Club Purchased the following books which have been delivered to the Rochester Public Library.
ARRL Operating Manual 9th Ed. 
The ARRL RFI  book  2nd Ed
The ARRL Antenna Handbook 21st Ed
The ARRL Extra Class Man. 8th Ed.
ARRL's Low Power Communication 3rd Ed
ON4UN's Low Band DXing
We will be focusing a finding a Boy Scout Event that we can piggyback an Amateur Radio Activity during this next year. Thoughts and suggestions are welcome.
Re-establish ties with school radio programs and their representatives in our club.

Old Business:

Membership status Vote:

-Robert kØrda reviewed discussion and proposal.

-1. reduced Student Membership dues at $5 which is a change from the current fee schedule   2. remove the age limit 3. Remove the full time status.

27 present: 26 aye, 1 neigh. Motion passed.

New Business:

Contesting: VHF contest, QSO party coming up. Check out the ARRL website for details.

VE Testing Session February 11th 6:30 at the Red Cross Building.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.


Trunked Radio and activity in Minnesota --- Robert kØrda



Submitted by Rodney, KDØEBT

Last update: January 14, 2010