RARC Meeting Minutes – July 2010



RARC July 2010 Meeting Minutes


Motion to approve June2010 Minutes: Motion to approve, seconded… Approved

Treasurer's Report: Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Account Balances:









Transactions this period:



Dues: 2010


Dues: 2011


2009 DXCC  W0TAX gift


RPU (3Q est.)




Respectfully submitted,


RARC Treasurer

Membership status:  96 club members 


Vice President’s Report: Impromptu program on Field Day debriefing and Skywarn discussion

-Next Month: Annual Picnic

Tech Committee: We now have our band-pass filter in working order.

Public Service: Nothing to report. Refer to club website for updates.

ARES: Make sure you take responsibility for when you are net control operator for Sunday night net.

EOC: EM-50 will have it’s own ATV set-up (receive only) in addition to 2 meter, 70 cm analog and digital in available.

-1st and 3rd Mondays of the month on the 147.255 rptr. is the Skywarn net.

Education Committee:

-CW class continues on every other Wednesday, next one is on July 21st.

Old Business: None

New Business: Local ham wanting to liquidate some equipment and old issues of QST. Talk to Bob, KCØGND if interested.

-Working on developing an IRLP node to increase communication within SE Minnesota.

-August Picnic Motion to release funds for purchasing brats, hamburgers, condiments, buns, plates and flatware, and cups, and charcoal. Motion, seconded, and approved. The annual picnic will be held August 10th at Essex Park, right off of 55th NW at W. River Parkway. The club will provide hamburgers, brats, buns, plastic utensils, paper plates, and cups.  People should bring something to pass, and beverages. Charcoal will be started about 5:30 PM, and be ready to cook at 6:00 PM. People should bring whatever radio item they wish to show off.  We'll have a couple of antennas, and rigs to try them with. Bob ABØBW will also bring foxhunt equipment.



Presentation: Field Day Debriefing and Skywarn activity discussion.



Submitted by Rodney, KDØEBT

Last update: July 19, 2010