RARC Meeting Minutes – March 2010



RARC March 09, 2010 Meeting

7:00 PM


February 2010 Minutes: Moved and Approved

Treasurer's Report: Tuesday, March 09, 2010       

Account Balances:









Transactions this period:



2010 Dues:


United Way (IBM + Mayo)




Membership status:  104 club members (65 paid thru 2010)

Vice President’s Report

-Peter N8MHD giving presentation on Receive antennas

-Next Month Steve WØSTV on EOC

Tech Committee:

-440 repeater is currently offline pending committee looking at the equipment.

-John NØHZN has applied for a grant that if received will help the club upgrade technology, possibly the 440 repeater

- Need to discuss with IBM radio club about the TNC/digipeater located there and its functionality

Public Service:

-Check the calendar for upcoming events in  May and June.

-Good show for the Frozen Goose Run


-Net control operator list for 2010 is now posted on the website.


-being moved to City Hall

-Steve WØSTV recommended radios for Amateur Radio use.

-Skywarn Training coming up March 24th.

-County EOC will continue to exist as is.


-Tech Class on March 20th Please spread the word to find additional interested people

Old Business:


New Business:

-Field Day organizing committee

-Committee will prepare an outline proposal to the club


-CW class organizational meeting March 23,25, 31st site and time TBA. Contact Peter N8MHD if interested.

-AES Superfest April 9, 10, 11 in Milwaukee www.aesham.com for details

- Bob ABØBW prepared an Introduction to Ham Radio presentation

-Steve WØSTV brought a reference called “Charitable Deductions Relating to Ham Radio

Motion and Approval to Adjourn

Presentation: Receive Antennas: Peter N8MHD



Submitted by Rodney, KDØEBT

Last update: March 10, 2010