RARC Meeting Minutes – January 2011



Motion to approve December 2010 Minutes: Seconded, Approved.

Rochester Amateur Radio Club

Treasurer's Report:  Tuesday, Jan 11, 2011

Account Balances:









Transactions this period:



2011 Dues:


RPU (1Q11):




Per Club Bylaw Section 7.8, the RARC 2010 annual written report is at: http://www.rarchams.org/finance/RARC_Financial_2010.htm

Respectfully submitted,


RARC Treasurer

Membership status:  101 club members (34 paid thru  2011)

Dues are Due.
Vice President:
-Presentation, Mel KCØP/Rover VHF+ Operating and Contesting
-Working on a variety of presentations for this next year. Anybody interested contact Rodney KDØEBT.

President's Report:Community groups are requesting working with Club to expand interest in Ham Radio in their particular groups. President will follow up with appropriate operators.
Tech Committee:
- Dstar is up and running. PC is in the works for being procured for the igateway.
-Shelves for the '82 are ordered.
Public Service:
-Frozen Goose run coming up 2/5/2011. Contact John NØHZN if interested in helping
-Very successful year last year and a busy one this year. More public service events. 
-Continue to submit your application for 2011-2012
-Need to take pictures for new badges
-Program your radios with the published ARES freq. on the website. This is needed for upcoming nets where simplex operating will be implemented.
-Recruiting for Dodge County contact BJ, KCØNPF
-Fully moved into the new building.
-Will be available around March for radio operators.
-Currently in conference with Mayo Clinic
-Minnesota QSO Party Feb 5th.
-Jan. 22 VHF Sweepstakes
Education Committee:
-Currently inactive
-Discussed revitalizing Elmer program. First objective updating Elmer club contacts on the club website.
VHF+: Refer to presentation
Old Business:
-Gift sent to Cahill's
-Discussion of Possible Compensation for Presenters. Will be refered to excecutive committee.
-Field Day Committee to start to address site location for 2011
-Stan AIØM thanked us for the flowers for his step son's funeral.
Meeting adjourned:
Mel, KCØP/R VHF+ operating and contesting
Submitted by Rodney, KDØEBT

Last update: January 12, 2011