RARC Meeting Minutes – July 2011



 07/12/11 RARC meeting called to order at 7:09 with 30 members present.


June meeting minutes where approved.


Bob-KCØGND: Treasurers report was read, report submitted to the web. The club has 92 members to date.


Rochester Amateur Radio Club

Treasurer's Report: Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Account Balances:
Checking: $1,418.89
Savings: $5,690.60
Cash: $20.00
Total: $7,129.49

Transactions this period:
Interest: +$0.04
Education Income: +$245.00
Generator Repair
Field Day
RPU 3Q11:
Qwest: -$16.75

Respectfully submitted,


RARC Treasurer

Membership status:  92 club members 


Rodney-KCØEBT: V-president reported tonight’s program will be a debriefing of June field day event. Thanks for the people that helped with field day in any way. Next month there will not be a meeting or picnic. KCØFOW will use the RCTC room on August 9, 2011 at 6:00 PM for an ARES meeting to program radios. Review go packs and ARES operations and training.


Rob-KCØFOW: ARES coordinator, reported on the city EOC. The 146.820 battery failed during a power outage and has been replaced. The status of updating the trailer tower is being researched.


John-NØHZN: Public Service director, thanked everyone that helped with past events and reported on the upcoming events. See the RARC web site for details and to sign up for an event.


Scott-KØMD: Reported on the Schaeffer Academy radio station with a power point presentation. A Schaeffer technical committee was formed to review antenna upgrades for their station. The following people are on the committee: Pat-WØBM, Bob-ABØBW, Stan- AIØM, Robert-KØRDA, and Mike-NØMGY


A committee was formed to look at updating the big trailer tower, or an alternative for a tower for the club. The following people make up the group. Steve-WØSTV, Pat-WØBM, Dave-KØRPD, Bob- ABØBW, and Rob-KCØFOW.



Submitted by Steve Wiebke/WØSTV


PS: The Skywarn net has been discontinued starting August 1, 2011. In its place there will be a debriefing net on the Mondays after any skywarn activities.

Last update: August 5, 2011