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RARC Meeting Minutes – May 2011
05/10/2011 RARC meeting called to order by KCØNPF at 7:05 PM with 31 members present.
April's meeting minutes where approved.
Club treasurer Bob KCØGND reported 92 members to date. Financial statement was reported.
Amateur Radio Club
Account Balances:Treasurer's Report: Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Transactions this period:
Respectfully submitted, Bob Bob KCØGND RARC Treasurer Membership status: 90 club members
Program director Rodney KDØEBT reported June’s club program will be about hazardous materials how to deal with them during emergencies by Steve Balow from the Rochester Fire Department.
President reminded of area nets. The Digital MT-63 net on Thursdays 9:00 PM on the 147.255 repeater. They do take voice check ins during the net. This is a great way to learn this digital mode. The HF net meets every Tuesday except on club meeting nights on 28.325 SSB.
Technical committee director Rob KCØFOW reported D-star on the Mayo building at 5 watts. It will have internet connection soon. All repeaters are working fine. Bob ABØBW will have the IRLP node on 147.255 repeater or on simplex of 147.555 Pl 114.0 depending on the coverage needed.
Public Service director John NØHZN reports June will be a very busy month. For the Med City Marathon they will stream live video from the race course to a large video screen at the finish line. Please check out the club web site at WWW.RARCHAMS.ORG for the latest information, and to sign up for any club activities. A five day MS bike tour will start and end in Rochester. If you can help in any way please sign up. Non-club members are invited to sign up for any public service event that they can attend. There are links to events in greater Minnesota on the web.
ARES-EC Rob KCØFOW asks anyone interested in ARES, to contact him to register with this group. You need to have your picture taken for your ARES ID. Sign up on the club web site.
MED-ARES coordinator John NØHZN says that D-star is being reviewed for a communications extension for the hospitals.
Meeting closed for a short break before the program, field day preparation. Groups where formed and logistics where reviewed. More information at the June meeting . Submitted by Steve, WØSTV | |||||||||||||||||
Last update: May 31, 2011 |