RARC Meeting Minutes – November 8,
The November RARC meeting was called to order at 7:03PM at the
Heintz Center building room HA-102 with 23 members present.
October’s RARC meeting minutes where approved .
RARC Treasurer's
Report: Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Account Balances:
Checking: |
$743.32 |
Savings: |
Cash: |
$20.00 |
Total: |
$6454.08 |
Transactions this period:
Interest: |
+$0.04 |
CenturyLink: |
-$16.75 |
Respectfully submitted,
RARC Treasurer
Membership status: 92
Bill K0RGR reported of the 5 students that took the ham radio class, 3
passed the VE test in
Winona. The other two could be taking the VE test at the Rochester Red
Cross this Thursday at 6:30 PM.
EQUIPMENT: Paul Lenard became a silent key. His family has requested
the club inspect his radio
equipment for identification and pricing for sale. A report will be
announced at the December meting.
TECH COMMITTEE: Rob KC0FOW had nothing to report
PUBLIC SERVICE: John N0HZN announced we have one last public
service event for 2011. The Gamehaven cross country run on
November 12, 2011.
ARES: Rob KC0FOW told the members, K0RGR donated an
HF antenna o the Olmsted County EOC.
MED-ARES: Bill K0RGR talked about the meeting with the twin cities hams
and hospital personal on
moving forward with their MED-ARES programs. Future meeting(s)
are planned next year.
- PRESIDENT: Scott Wright K0MD
- TREASURER: Robert Andrews K0RDA
- SECRETARY: Steve Wiebke W0STV
Nominations will be accepted at the RARC holiday party on
December 13th at the Olive Garden . Party
begins at 6:00 PM. Bring something to show if you can.
TOWERS: After discussion by the club, it was determined that
repair of the crank up tower would be put
on hold until early spring. Grant K1KD was instructed to place a WTB
add for a portable military type
mast. He was approved to spend up to $1200.00 for the purchase. If
Grant has not purchased a mast by
the December meeting/party he will have a price from a supplier for
approval from the club.
Robert K0RDA applied for a grant from IBM last month. He received a
check for $3000.00. It will be
applied to the tower project(s). Thank you Robert!
Check out www.rarchams.org for information on contest, nets and club
Meeting ended.
The program for this evening focused on how to use solar panels for
alternate energy, by Craig Siegenthaler, AC0WQ.
73 de W0STV