RARC Meeting Minutes – September 2011


On 9-13-2011 the RARC meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM with 24 members present. There was some mix up on the rooms. The club meetings will be held in the Heinz center #HA-102 in the future. Talk in on 146.820 PL 100 repeater.

Treasures report read.

Field day finance statement was reviewed and discussed.

Rochester Amateur Radio Club

Treasurer's Report: Tuesday, Sept 13, 2011 (2 months)

Account Balances:
Checking: $1,043.36
Savings: $5,690.68
Cash: $20.00
Total: $6,754.04

Transactions this period:
Interest: +$0.08
Field Day
Liability Insurance:
Qwest/CenturyLink: -$33.47

Respectfully submitted,


RARC Treasurer

Membership status:  92 club members 

Club members reviewed the repair issues for the trailer tower to date. The club will update progress and review new ideas at future club meetings.

The program for this evening is public service events around the country.  Robert, K0RDA has a power point presentation
of events he has worked around the country, including the Boston Marathon.

Public Service N0HZN: John thanked radio operators that helped over the year. We have on more event in November at
Game-haven. See club web site for information.

ARES Services KC0FOW: Robert gathered the ICS messages that where transmitted on the Sunday RARC nets for
members to copy and handed them to his son who was SURPRIZED.
On October 1st Olmsted county will perform our SET training. The drill will relate to reports from locations in the city/county. Steel County would like to work with us in the drill. Look for a report in the October minutes.

Med-Comm- N0HZN: No Activity to date.

Contesting- KC0P: Mel talked on upcoming contests that members can compete in.

Education- K0RGR: Bill reported this falls technician class training will be at the Red Cross building the two Saturday
classes are on Oct 22, and, Oct 29th See the web site for information.
Bill stated that the MBEMS program is now available for the android phones.

Field Day 2012 at the KOA site needs to be visited before winter sets in. Mel, Bob, Ron, and Grant are to evaluate
and report back at the October meeting on their findings. This preliminary report will begin preparation for 2012.
IBM is offering a $1,000.00 grant fund.  The club will apply for it this fall.

John N0HZN was nominated is chair of the RARC officer nominations for 2012.
Steve Wiebke
Success favors the prepared -->

Last update: Oct 11, 2011