RARC minutes for June 12, 2012

Meeting started at 6:32 PM with 25 people present. A roll call was given by the attending members.

The Field day trophy was shown to the club to be awarded  to the RARC or Twin cities FM club with the best  scoring for field day, and bragging rights.

The 146.820 repeater is in for repairs. Lightning is suspected as the cause of the failure. The backup repeater is currently running on the site.  The 147.255 repeater will be used for ARES until the 82 machine is back from repair and in service.

D.E.C./ Bill Osler, presented Paul/KM0PTa certificate as EC  for Fillmore county.

Scott/K0MD gave a slide presentation of the Dayton Ham-fest activities, and people. Meeting closed at 7:03 PM.

Field Day information was reviewed:

The Rochester EOC/ARES trailer and generator is requested for field day. Rob/KC0FOW will bring the club generator to Game Haven.  Bob/AB0BW, and Dave/K0RPD and Grant/K1KD will bring trailers to field day. Set up will begin on Friday afternoon at 1:00 PM at Game Haven scout camp. Help will be needed to set up the two new portable mast and stations.  The 146.255 PL 100 repeater will be the talk in communications frequency for field day activities. Please contact them before coming out for any needs. Set up will continue on Saturday  around  8:00 to 9:00 AM. The site will be 3A under the call W0BM, The GOTA will be K0RGR, and the QRP will be W0MXW.  Write Log will be the program used.

HY-VEE will be supplying meals and beverages at field day along with pizza's from Papa John's  through Dan/KC0ORS.  A sleeping section will be available for operators to get some sleep away from the activities.

Prizes to be awarded from a drawing for anyone that makes at least one contact with field day HF equipment. Please check the RARC field day web site for times that need to have operators.  
