RARC minutes for March 13, 2012

Meeting started at 6:32 PM with a roll call of 31 members present. Pat Cahill called, he was running late. He had Grant K1KD do an update for field day 2012. Here are the items discussed.

Field day is June 23 -24th from 1800/23rd to 2100/24th hrs. It will be a 3A category site using less than 150 watts. The call sign for the site is still to be determined. There will be a challenge between the Twin Cities FM club and the RARC club. Dave Naatz will work on the bonus points scoring. The CW and digital stations are our strongest counts with 2 points for each contact. The 6 meter band needs to be monitored. The radios have to be operating 100% of the time, especially at night. The QRP
station is undecided at this time. The QRP station made 5,000 points last year. The club purchased the Write Log program for field day to allow people to train with it.

Pat Cahill called the Business meeting to order. The secretary's report was approved. Treasurer  KØRDA was unable to stay for the delayed business meeting. His financial report was emailed for inclusion in the minutes:

$5,690.93  Savings
$2,669.89  Checking
$20.00        Cash

CenturyLink -16.90
United Way +86.35
Dues +$135

Submitted: Robert Andrews, K0RDA

Old business: Grant reported the 2 new portable masts are to be shipped at a cost of $375.00.

New business: The twin axle portable crank up tower was sold to Pat Cahill and Steve Wiebke for $100.00 as is. The smaller bent up, damaged, warped, kinked and broken tower will be scraped out. The metal price will be put back into the club finances.

The IBM club needs help with their antenna on the roof of IBM. More details later.

Sky warns sings are being ordered by Steve Wiebke. Go to the "anythingweatherstore.com" pick out what you want to order by number and quantity and send you request to W0STV@arrl.net. He will place the order at the end of the month. The shipping and tax if any will be shared by individual pricing of the order group.

The location W7 needs to be reviewed for construction conflicts on the map. For now Star # W7 will not be used on the Olmsted sky warn map.

There is a 100 mile foot race on Hwy 61 by Wabasha. They have requested Amateur Radio Public service communications. See the RARC e-mail for more information.

Meeting ended 7:41 PM followed by the program LOG BOOK OF THE WORLD, and logging software.

Submitted by RARC secretary Steve W0STV.