RARC meeting minutes for September 11, 2012 Meeting called to order by President Scott Wright at 6:30 PM with 29 members present. Technical committee reported that the phone patch will be removed from the 146.820 repeater. The power failure at the 82 repeater site verified the backup power supply work fine. If you hear of any weather station information that is bogus, contact John Scott to report the problem. The club will be applying for the IBM grant for the RARC again. Robert K0RDA will be doing the paper work. Any RARC members that work for IBM please contact Robert for information. Bill K0RGR is scheduled to begin the technical class for 2012. See the RARC web site for information and spread the word. There were no contest reports given at the meeting. The 2012 public service events have ended. Thanks to everyone that took time to work with the radio coordinators to communicate information for these events. Jon NZ0S is working with the boy scouts at Game-Haven to establish a radio station. He is working with ICOM for a donation of equipment. Meeting ended at 6:46 PM. Gregory Widin, K0GW discussed and showed a power point presentation of the ARRL headquarters and employees that work for ARRL programs and its members.
Submitted by Steve W0STV, Secretary. |