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Meeting called to order at 6:32 PM by Peter Wollen with 24 people present. Financial report delayed due to signature card for new RARC treasurer. Working on getting this resolved ASAP. Technical report by Rob KC0FOW: The digipeater is off line. The cost estimates range from $1600 to $2000 from vertical limited company. Questions on an itemized amount where requested. This was tabled for the August RARC meeting. A new TA-32 junior antenna has been ordered for the digipeater. The D-star is off line for internet linking. It is operational as a local repeater at this time. Mayo is working on it. The repeater is on their property. The Black trailer needs to be inventoried and cleaned up. A date for the Tech committee and club officers to do this will be established. Peter Cross offered to install shelves in the trailer when we want. DEC report by Bill K0RGR: Trying to establish a new repeater in Dodge county for coverage of the county and surrounding areas. He is looking for donations. Mike Benson will apply for state money for ARES. Bill wants a dedicated group to work on this project Next month's meeting will be at the Byron event center on August 13. The meeting will included a ham auction to sell your items. The club will charge a 10% fee for all sold items. This will go into the RARC general fund. The doors open at 5:30 PM to accept items for the auction. Please bring an item to pass around for the meal that begins at 6:30 PM. Sandwiches will be served. Contact Bill at K0RGR@ARRL.net of items you want to sell. Field Day report: We ended up with a score of 9624. This is down from last year. We need to work on scouts making contacts at the GOTA station for 2014. Rochester Fest hurt our radio resources for Field Day. We have Game Haven camp again for Field Day 2014. The meeting ended at 7:13 PM with program to follow. Submitted by Steve/W0STV RARC Secretary