RARC meeting for November 10, 2013 Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Peter Wollen with 24 members present. The October meeting minutes where approved. Treasures report. The clubs equipment insurance coverage was adjusted from $40K to $20K. A claim for the stolen APRS station was submitted to the insurance company for payment.
Club dues are due for 2014. Please bring payments to the December Christmas party meeting. See www.rarchams.org for other payment options. Bill-K0RGR announced tonight’s program will be the Mankato
sky-warn system by Steve-WA2OFZ. The December meeting will be a holiday get together at the Old Country Buffet on December 10th starting at 6:00 PM. Announce to the cashier that you are with the RARC group for a discount on your payment. Bring a show and tell item for the evening it you could. Rob-KC0FOW reports the D-star system is back on the I-gate network. There may be some temporary off line moments. They are being addressed. The 146.820 repeater has static with ambient wind conditions. It is being looked into. The 146.625 repeater is running very well. The clubs MFJ antenna analyzer has been reported broken. This may be an intermittent problem as it is working again. Grant-K1KD said he purchased the connector ends for his rotor cable. He will pay for them and just loan the cable out for field day. John-N0HZN reported the end of 2013 public service events. The Game-Haven CC run was the last one. See the web site to sign up for 2014 events. ARES is developing Red Cross two man-go teams for each county. The first training will be in Wabasha on December 14th from 1 to 5 PM. There are two more sessions coming soon in the area. The next is in Mankato. Sky warn appreciation day is December 7, 2013 at the NWS office in La Crosse from 8 to 4. Anyone wanting to go contact Steve WØSTV for more information or to sign up for car pooling. Peter Wollen will be Essex Park on November 16th to operate sweep stakes. Set up will begin at 2: 00 PM with operations commencing at 3:00. All are welcome to attend and operate. Candidates for RARC offices for 2014:
Thanks go to John Scott N0HZN for his time in filling these
positions. Steve Wiebke-W0STV RARC secretary. |