RARC Meeting Minutes for June 10, 2014 Meeting was called to order by President, Peter W0LLN @ 18:30 Skip Jackson, KS0J, Section Manager Dakota Division for ARRL, presented the club with the Minnesota Cup and certificate for last year’s winning Field Day points standings. The cup and certificate are currently in the possession of N0KZO. Treasurer's Report – Jim, KD0ORO read in the report.
Technical Committee Report – There was a Tech committee meeting before the main meeting. Rob, KC0FOW, reported that the .82 repeater noise that has been reported to him is most likely coming from bad weather (i.e. wind) and also from the age and degrading condition of the tower it is currently on. Other tower options are starting to be explored. The .625 repeater and the Digipeater are all ok with nothing to report. Our D-STAR repeater has had the D-RATS software installed for possible future use in EMCOMM situations. Public Service – Med City Marathon went well. We are starting to get involved with the Business Band radios as well with the event to help control and organize information better. Chesterwoods run also went well for everyone. Our next events are the Triathlon on the 22nd and the RochesterFest Parade on the 27th. We are still in need of more volunteers to come out and help with these events. Education – Bill, K0RGR, has a class the last week of July. It will include both the Tech (Weekends) and General (Weekdays). He is also in process of getting more books for “loan” to people wishing to study for the tests. Testing – The next testing session is August 7th. ARES – Reapplication will be done this year to make sure all information is up-to-date. Preparations are beginning for the SET in October. Discussion was made about possible additions to the Sunday night net (at 9pm on the .82 repeater) to increase further interest in the nets. Equipment – The old small trailer with the antenna tower that would not go completely vertical that was given to Peter Cross (W0SA) has been fixed up by him and he has approached the club for a possible donation back to the club. He would like to retain the ability to use it personally if they do not interfere with club activities. Further discussion will need to be made after someone has been out to visually inspect the trailer. Membership – Another reminder that 2014 membership dues are now due. You can pay them in-person with cash/check or via PayPal at www.rarchams.org/PayPal.htm. Currently we have 74 members. Patch Designs – Elise, W0CAY, brought with her the finalized designs she created for the club. They were passed around and voted upon. Our new logo will begin appearing shortly on Facebook, the club website and also badges and other club apparel (once those channels are opened to us). Introductions were done - We had 29 members in attendance. Our presentation was by Grant, K1KD, about our Field Day plan. Minutes recorded and reported by Dan, N0KZO, Secretary. |