RARC Meeting Minutes for September 9, 2014 Meeting was called to order by President, Peter WØLLN @ 18:34 Motion to approve July minutes was made and approved. Treasurer's Report – Jim, KDØORO, was absent. Report was displayed for members to see. Field Day budget/expenses are yet to be determined.
Technical Committee Report – IBM grant time. Proposals are due by the end of September. Discussion was made for different projects. Some ideas were: Dodge County Repeater, .82 repeater upgrade, purchase of HT's for club use/loan, HF rig for Red Cross. Rob (KCØFOW) & Robert (KØRDA) are handling the proposals. Public Service – Tour de Cure is the next event on September 20th. There will be a total of 5 routes to cover. Gamehaven is the last of the events for this year on November 8th. Sign-ups are on the website under the Public Service link. Education – Bill, KØRGR, will have his next Technician class starting the last Saturday in October. You can sign up on the club website. Testing –The next testing session will be on November 6th @ 6:30 at the American Red Cross. ARES – Nothing to report. Field Day Wrap-Up – Attendance was down from previous years. Almost all bonus points were aquired. Our total score was 8290. Bonus Points: 1730. All youth bonus. GOTA - 200+ contacts & 280 Bonus points. QSO's: 1500-CW, 60-Digi, 1059-Phone. Another great year as a club and a thanks to all the operators, helpers, transporters, cooks, supplies, and the equipment. Motion was made for a $50 gift card to Hubble House + 1 year membership to club for Pat Cahill (WØBM) as thank you for use of his property for Field Day. Motion was approved, K0M Update – Niel, WØVLZ, had the KØM special station call from Aug 7th – Aug 12th. There were 3 people who operated as KØM from their home also. They were Bill (KØRGR), Roger (WØKOA) & Peter (WØSA). Total were: QSO-214, States-39, Countries-12. KAAL News covered the event during the August Picnic. QSL cards are to be sent out upon request. A possiblity of doing this again next year was brought up and will be discussed. Pictures are up on website. A special thanks to Roger (WØKOA) & Barb (KBØKOA) for offering their site for the Picnic and event. We were offered to come back again next year. A motion was made for a $50 gift card + 1 year club membership in appreciation. Although they objected, motion was voted on and passed. Introductions were done - We had 24 members in attendance. Our presentation was by Robert, KØRDA, about NIMS, FEMA, and his experience working at FEMA. Minutes recorded and reported by Dan, NØKZO, Secretary. |