QRP - Low Power Amateur Radio

QRP is the "Q" signal meaning lower your power/should I lower my power? It has come to mean all low power operation, especially on HF. QRP operators have diverse interests -- CW, building, backpacking, mobile, contesting -- with the common thread ofdoing it with less than 5 watts. QRPp is sometimes used to refer to extreme QRP -- operating with less than one watt of power. QRPp is also called milliwatting.

The QRP aspect of amateur radio is growing in interest level. Tony, AAØSM, gave at presentation to RARC club members at the March, 2001, monthly meeting.

Tony, AAØSM, shows a 40 CW QRP transceiver at the March club meeting.

Talking about QRP operation at the March meeting. Left to right: Dave W9SUL, Tony AAØSM, and Pat NØADQ.

QRP Web Links

  • Northern California QRP Club (NorCal)
    NorCal is the best place to start. They regularly hold contests and provide QRP kits. The site has tons of other QRP links.

  • QRP Amateur Radio Club International
    The QRP Amateur Radio Club International produces a great quarterly newsletter. They sponsor several contests and awards including the 1000 Miles Per Watt award.

  • Minnesota QRP Society
    The Minnesota QRP Society is centered in the Twin Cities, but has members from across the state. They have a mailing list discussing meetings and events.

  • New Jersey QRP Club
    The New Jersey QRP Club sponsors contest and building projects. Lots of information is available at their site.

QRP Equipment Manufacturers

Some of the QRP equipment makers:

QRP Calling Frequencies

Most QRP activity centers around these frequencies.

Band CW CW Novice SSB SSB Europe
160 m 1.810 - 1.910 1.843
80 m 3.560 3.710 3.985 3.690
40 m 7.040 7.110 7.285 7.090
30 m 10.106 - - -
20 m 14.060 - 14.285 -
17 m 18.069 - - -
15 m 21.060 21.110 21.385 21.285
12 m 24.906 - - -
10 m 28.060 28.110 28.885
(28.385 Novice)
6 m 50.060 - 50.885 50.285
2 m 144.060 - 144.285 -

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