RARC Meeting Minutes - June 2002

The June meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00pm, Tuesday 6/11/02, by President Dave Peterson (K7CJO), with 22 members and 1 guest present.


  • Minutes from the May meeting were approved as posted on the web site.
  • Treasurer's Report by Bob (KCØGND): Tuesday, June 11, 2002
    Checking: $ 1605.06
    Savings: $ 3928.36
    Cash + Checks: $ 31.00
    Total: $ 5564.42
    Major transactions this period (April and May):
    • Swapfest net income - $171.00
    • Swapfest club "treasures" sales - $80.00
    • United Way income - $39.08
    • Library Fund expense - $200.00
    • Telephones - $81.82
    • Sale of "Farmer" antique equip - $336.50 (50% to Club)

Committee Reports

  • Technical Committee
    • no report, everything seems to be working.
  • Boy Scouts - Bob (ABØBW):
    • Still working on getting the huge pole up at the JOTA site.
  • Public Service - John (NØHZN):
    • The Med City Marathon is and the Tour de Cure went well. The Great River bike race is this Friday, and 4-5 people may be needed. The Rochesterfest parade is June 21, Centurion bike race is the 2nd week in July, and the half marathon is in August. Check the web site for details.
  • Library - Peter (N8MHD):
    • The books from the last donation to the Rochester Public Library are in circulation. Some additional books might be good, and donations to the Library Fund are encouraged.
  • ARES - Don (KCØIDP):
    • An Emergency Manager logging program is available to evaluate, ask Don.
    • Roseau is flooded, and the Red Cross is active there.
  • Swapfest - Bob (KCØGND):
    • The Swap was successful, attendance was down slightly from last year but vendors were happy. We are likely to do it again next year, with only small modifications. Suggestions for improvements are encouraged.


  • There will be a license testing session this Thursday, 6:30, at the Red Cross building.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20.


Following the meeting, Pat (NØADQ) described the plans for Field Day, coming up June 22-23. We will start setting up Saturday morning after breakfast at Grandma's, and run from 1:00pm Saturday to about 11:00am Sunday. We will be 3A this year, with a phone station, a CW station, and a digital station, plus a VHF station, a GOTA (Get on the Air) training station, and a monitoring station. Most of the extra point activities have people taking charge of them, but we still need people to handle media publicity, message origination, satellite QSO, and demonstration modes such as SSTV. Dinner will be grill + potluck, like last year.

Submitted by Peter N8MHD.

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