RARC Club Meetings

Click on a month in the following tables to view the RARC meeting minutes.

Meeting Minutes - 2016

Month: Program:
January Discussion of the survey results from SurveyMonkey
February -
March -
April -
May -
June -
July -
August No Meeting - Club Picnic
September -
October -
November -
December RARC Holiday Party & Election of Officers

Meeting Minutes - 2015

Month: Program:
January Looking at desired programs for the rest of the year
February Peter W0LLN- beam antennas made w/ fishing pole and wire
March Mike Thompson AE0MT about Arduino and amateur radio projects
April Program was on digital radio by John and Bill
May Mel KCØP presented details on his mobile setup
June Field Day discussion/finalization
July Fox Hunting information led by Steve Webke
August No Meeting - Club Picnic
September New fire station/EOC tour by Ken Jones, Director of Emergency Management
October Logbook of the World by John, NZ0S
November ARRL awards programs
December RARC Holiday Party & Election of Officers

Meeting Minutes - 2014

Month: Program:
January KC0FOW: 2014 Equipment & Infrastructure Update 
February NZ0S:  What RARC does well and where we can improve?
March Presentation by Greg Widin, K0GW, the ARRL Dakota Division Director.
April EOC tour; Mike Bromberg, KD0EBO, Assistant Deputy Director of Homeland Security
May Presentation by Fred Regennitter, K4IU, about contesting.
June Grant, K1KD, reviewed our Field Day plan.
July Presentation by Steve, W0STV, about mobile installs, the do’s & don’ts.
August No Meeting  (KØM & Picnic Photo's)
September Robert KØRDA, presented NIMS, FEMA, and his experience at FEMA
October Rob KCØFOW discussed DSTAR
  • N4EJ about Remote Control Radio with demonstrations.
  • KCØUCN about proper grounding.
December RARC Holiday Party & Election of Officers

Meeting Minutes - 2013

Month: Program:
January Berry Altman, W6GFN,  presented his program on disaster communications
February Scott Neader, KA9FOX, talking about selling and buying Ham radio gear online
March Robert K0RDA gave a program on NIMS structure of operations
April Bill K0RGR had a program on testing  members equipment and antennas
May Field Day plans
June Scott KØMD set up and operated one of the new Icom radios for field day
August No Meeting  (picnic)
September Byron  KCØNPF presented: using Linux for your other operating system
October Terry-W0VB gave a  presentation on Software Defined Radio.
November Mankato sky-warn system by Steve-WA2OFZ
December RARC Holiday Party & Election of Officers

Meeting Minutes - 2012

Month: Program:
January Search for Amelia Earhart’s plane was presented by Tom Vinson, NY0V.
February Adventures of the Brave and Famous by Scott Wright
March LOG BOOK OF THE WORLD, and logging software.
April HK0NA DXpedition on Malpelo Island by Glen Johnson.
May Pat Cahill did a review of information for the VHF contest for June 9th -11th 2012
June Field Day plans and Dayton Ham-fest higlights
July Field Day debriefing
August No Meeting  (picnic)
September Gregory Widin, K0GW, discussed and  presentation of the ARRL headquarters
October Robert Frantz discussed his climbed of 19,000ft  Mount Kilimanjaro
November  Dan Fish presented a program on radios from Japan and China.
December RARC Holiday Party & Election of Officers

Meeting Minutes - 2011

Month: Program:
January VHF+ Operating and Contesting - Mel, KCØP/R
February Using High-Speed Multimedia Formats for Ham Radio Communications - BJ, KCØNPF
March January VHF Sweepstakes Results, and June VHF Sweepstakes - Mel, KCØP
April NBEMS (Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System), and Advanced NBEMS - Bill KØRGR
May Field Day Planning
June Haz-Mat Safety - Mike Jacobson
July Debriefing of June Field Day Event
August No Meeting
September Public Service events - Robert KØRDA
October Rochester EOC Mission
November Solar panels for alternate energy, by Craig Siegenthaler, AC0WQ
December RARC Holiday Party

Meeting Minutes - 2010

Month: Program:
January Trunked Radio Systems - Robert, KØRDA
February Paul Bittner WØAIH, from Eau Claire, presents his superstation
March Receive Antennas - Peter, N8MHD
April SKYWARN, EOC, and Emergency Services - Steve WØSTV
May Moonbounce and Digital Modes with VHF and UHF - Terry WØVB
June Field Day Planning
July Field Day Debriefing and SKYWARN activity discussion
August RARC Annual Club Picnic
September DX Spotting and Reverse Beacons - Peter WØLLN
October D-STAR - Rob KCØFOW
November "Two Crappie Poles and Some Wire" - Niel WØVLZ
December RARC Holiday Party

Meeting Minutes - 2009

Month: Program:
January Antenna Modeling - Peter, N8MHD
February APRS MicroTrak Systems - Robert KØRDA
March Field Day Planning - Dave KØVH
April WØDXCC - Scott KØMD
July Volunteer needs for the WØDXCC event
August RARC Annual Club Picnic
September Desecheo Dxpedition - Grant K1KD
October College for Kids
November Moxon Rectangle, Hexbeam, and SpiderBeam Antennas - Peter N8MHD
December RARC Holiday Party

Meeting Minutes - 2008

Month: Program:
January Midwest Summer HamConvention proposal presented by Stan KDØBQ, Scott KØMD, KariAnn KCØWIP, and the Rochester Convention and Vistors Bureau
February Tax implication for volunteering your time in amateur radio - Charlie WØTAX
March RARExpo and Dakota Division Convention Information - Jay Bellows KØQB
Caribbean DXpedition - Scott KØMD
April RARExpo Update and RCTC Tour - RARExpo Committee Chairs
June Field Day - Dave KØVH
July Emergency Preparedness - Ralph Bierbaum, NØAWN, from Shoreview, MN
August RARC Annual Club Picnic
September Internet Basics - Robert KØRDA
Rushford Emergency Drills - Bob ABØBW
October Rushford Drills Post Assessment - Bob ABØBW
Minnesota Youth in Amateur Radio Council - Phil Brunson
College for Kids - Jerry Nau
November HF amplifiers - Stan AIØM
How to work digital modes and APRS for free - Robert KØRDA
December RARC Holiday Party

Meeting Minutes - 2007

Month: Program:
January Introduction to Ham Radio
February Skip Jackson, ARRL Section Manager
March PSK-31 Bob, AB0BW
April Pandemic Planning - Brenda Zeibell of the American Red Cross
May Ham Radio 101
June Field Day
July Field Day Report - Pat NØADQ
RARC Annual Club Picnic
September Ham Radio in China - Scott KØMD
ARES Flood Response - Bob ABØBW
October Contesting - Bill ACØW from Austin, MN and the Minnesota Wireless Association
November This month's meeting was held at Schaeffer Academy:
  • Jerry Nau from College for Kids thanked the club and provided refreshments
  • Radio City provided a display for ham on a lower budget
  • Scott KØMD presented 2007 Field Day results
  • Dan from Radio City presented D-STAR
  • A new ICOM 718 HF radio was dedicated to the Schaeffer Academy school club
December RARC Holiday Party

Meeting Minutes - 2006

Month: Program:
January Ham Radio Videos - John KØKTY
February NVIS - Bill KØRGR
March Propagation - Mel KCØP
April EOC - Jon NØWYH
May Vintage Homebrew - Niel WØVLZ
June Contesting - Peter N8MHD
July Harris Amps - Bob KEØJJ
RARC Annual Club Picnic
September Disaster Assessment Workshop - Red Cross
October Digital Update - Bill (KØRGR)
November Doing More with Amateur Radio for Less - Brad (AIØBP)
December RARC Christmas Party

Meeting Minutes - 2005

Month: Program:
January J-Pole Antennas - Brad KCØQVH
February RF Safety - John KØKTY
March QRP Operating and Elecraft Radios - Dave KØVH and Peter N8MHD
April Kit Building Projects
June RARC 2005 Field Day - Pat, NØADQ
July 800 MHz Public Service System - Dave, NØRPD
August RARC Annual Picnic
September ARES - Bob ABØBW and Steve WØSTV
October Civil Air Patrol - Greg, KCØEEU
November Software Define Radios (SDR) - Terry WØVB
December Holiday Party

Meeting Minutes - 2004

Month: Program:
January Logbook Of The World (LotW) - Fred, K4IU
February Red Cross Disaster Communications - Dave, K7CJO
March BPL Trial - RPU Representatives
April The World of 10 GHz - Mel, KCØ
May RARC 2004 Field Day - Pat, NØADQ
July Digital Modes - ABØBW and KØRGR
August RARC Annual Picnic
September Club Equipment Review - Pat, NØADQ
October Working DX - Stew, WØSHL
November Phased Vertical Antennas - Peter, N8MHD
December Holiday Party
Red Cross Disaster Relief, KCØJOO

Meeting Minutes - 2003

Month: Program:
January VHF Contest - Mel KCØP and Terry WØVB
February Kits and Kit Building - Tony AAØSM and Niel WØVLZ
March APRS Trackers - John NØHZN
April ARES Update - Steve WØSTV and Don ADØF
May Field Day Plans - Pat, NØADQ
June ARRL "Amateur Radio Today" Video With Walter Cronkite
July Virtual Station Tours
August Annual Club Picnic
September Red Cross Disaster Projects - Don, ADØF
October 146.82 Repeater Operation Update - John, NØHZN
November Television Studio Tour - Randy Brock, NØNVH
December RARC Holiday Party

Meeting Minutes - 2002

Month: Program:
January Computer Logging Software - Pat NØADQ, Stew WØSHL and Dave KØVH
February National Weather Service and Ham Radio Operations - Todd Shea, NWS
March Virtual Tour of RARC Repeaters - John, NØHZN
April Radio Direction Finding - Steve WØSTV, Bob KCØGND and Bob ABØBW
May Rochester Public Utility (RPU) Facility Tour
June Field Day 2002 - Pat, NØADQ
July Discussion by Jay Bellows, KØQB, ARRL Dakota Division Director
August Annual Club Picnic
September Repeater Internet Linking - Bill, KØRGR
October Working Ham Radio Satellites - Fant, AA5F
November Advanced APRS - Tony AAØSM and Bob NØEST
December RARC Holiday Party

Meeting Minutes - 2001

Month: Program:
January HF Mobile Operation - Pat, NØADQ
February Emergency Services Update - Dave, WØEAS
March QRP Low Power Operation - AAØSM
April PSK31 Operation - Dave KØVH and Bob KCØIDR
May Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Tour - WØEAS
June RARC Field Day - NØADQ and KCØP
July Bhutan DXpedition by Glenn WØGJ (Video tape)
August Annual Club Picnic
September Internet Amateur Radio Resources by Terry WØVB
October Latest Technology In Town by Terry WØVB
November Putting Up A Tower - WØSHL
December Bhutan DXpedition - NØADQ

Meeting Minutes - 2000

Month: Program:
January Amateur radio history and vintage radios - WØVLZ and KCØP
February Folding Hamfest flyers.
March Demonstration of Kenwood D700A - NØEST
April Review of recent license changes - KØSIR
Changes at EOC - WØEAS
May None
June Plans for Field Day 2000 - NØADQ
July Tour of KTTC Television
August Annual RARC Picnic
September Hot Air Ballooning - WAØVEZ
October Repeater Autopatch and Remote Base Operation - NØHZN
November Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Fiesta Video - WAØVEZ
December Holiday Pizza Party

Meeting Minutes - 1999

Month: Program:
January "Federal pre-emption" discussion - K7CJO
February Folding Hamfest flyers
March Home brew projects - WØVLZ and KCØP
April Skywarn and EOC Updates - WØEAS
May ARES Go Packs - KBØPSS
June APRS Demonstration - NØEST
July None
August Annual RARC Picnic
October Heard Island DXpedition - WØGJ
November Amateur Radio and Motor Sports - KCØFOU
December Holiday Pizza Party

last updated:  Dec 26, 2015