RARC Meeting Minutes - March 2002

The March meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00pm, Tuesday 3/12/02, by President Dave Peterson (K7CJO), with 38 members and 1 guest present.


  • Minutes from the February meeting were approved as posted on the web site.
  • Treasurer's Report by Bob (KCØGND): Tuesday, March 12, 2002
    Checking: $ 2292.74
    Savings: $ 2425.40
    Cash + Checks: $ 31.00
    Total: $ 4749.14
    Major transactions this period:
    • 2002 dues - $580.00
    • URL registration (thru 2003) - $70.00
    • Web Site hosting - $119.88
    • Recruiting mailing - $96.32
    • Telephones - $40.91
    • Liability Insurance - $250.00

Committee Reports

  • Technical Committee - Stew (WØSHL)
    • All but one of the Technical Committee members were present, plus 6 additional club members.
    • All voice repeaters are working ok.
    • APRS (NØEST): The problem at the Simpson site turned out to be a worn-through feed line. It has been replaced by hard line from Roger,WBØISF, and the digipeater is now working fine. The remote base has been disconnected since it no longer works.
    • The 625 repeater: iLink is running on this repeater and is getting some use.
    • The Red Cross can’t allow us to have a Club Station. We reviewed the equipment owned by the Club and stored at the Red Cross. Several pieces of equipment will be sold at the SwapFest this coming June.
    • The Club antenna/tower trailer need some maintenance. Tires, wheel bearings, some welding, new cable, etc. The technical committee will review it in the Spring and make a recommendation as to what the Club should do. We also have 4 10foot sections of Rohn 25G tower, that can be used during a disaster and for Field Day.
    • Next month we will work on the Focus Items as collected at a special Technical Committee meeting conducted last month.
  • Membership - John (KØKTY):
    • 4 new members have joined, for a total of 121. 30 members haven't paid as of today.
  • Boy Scouts - Bob (ABØBW):
    • We will visit with the Council in April.
  • Public Service - Pam (KCØCJM) and John (NØHZN):
    • A number of events are on the schedule as listed on the web site, including the Med City Marathon on Memorial Day, the Touchstone bike race, a half marathon, the Rochester Centurion bike race, and the RochesterFest Parade.
  • Library - Peter (N8MHD):
    • $125 has been donated or pledged to the library project. Approximately $50 more is needed to purchase the ARRL package for the Rochester Public Library.
    • A copy of the ARRL CD "Introduction to Morse Code" was contributed by Art (KCØJKP). It will be included in the donation to the library.
  • ARES - Steve (WØSTV):
    • The warning lights for Skywarn are in.
    • ARES IDs need to be signed before being laminated.
    • A contact for the ARES HF net is needed.
    • In connection with Homeland Security, ARES needs to be more structured, and more reliably available. There will be ARES meetings, probably quarterly, and a lot of practice before the major 3-state drill in October.
    • The ARESPac packet program is being updated to Windows, and will make use of forms for efficient messaging.
    • There is a Foxhunt Sundays at 7pm using the input frequency to the 82 repeater.
    • Yellow t-shirts (the ARES uniform) are available now at Sam's Club.
    • There will be a Skywarn class March 27 at Diggers in Kasson.

New Business:

  • Bob (KCØGND) submitted a motion providing for discounted partial-year memberships. New members joining in the second quarter (April-June) will receive a $5 discount; new members joining in the third quarter will receive a $10 discount; and new members joining in the fourth quarter (October-December) will receive free membership with payment of the next year's dues. A new member is defined as an individual/family who has never been a member OR an individual/family who has not been a member for two or more years. In accordance with the bylaws, this motion will be voted on at the next meeting, April 9.


  • The Swapfest will be June 9 at Diggers.
  • A free Red Cross CPR course will be offered March 16. Other Red Cross courses are required for Red Cross communication volunteers; call the desk for the schedule.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:53.


Following the meeting, John (NØHZN) presented a Virtual Tour of the club's repeaters, showing the sites and equipment. Then, he demonstrated several of the lesser-known features of the 82 repeater. A handout with these features is available.

Submitted by Peter (N8MHD).

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