RARC Meeting Minutes - May 2002
The May meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at
7:00pm, Tuesday 5/14/02, by President Dave Peterson (K7CJO), with 15 members and 3 guests
- Minutes from the April meeting were approved as
posted on the web site.
- Treasurer's Report: Bob (KCØGND) is out of town. He reported (through Peter, N8MHD), that there were
no unusual expenses this month. A full report will be made next month.
Committee Reports
- Technical Committee - Stew (WØSHL) is at Dayton, report by Peter (N8MHD):
- Stew's echo station (voice identifier for the .82 repeater) locked up a second time, and has
been turned off.
- All repeaters and other sites are working well.
- A collection of antique radio and electronic gear has been located. Some items will be sold at
an antique radio hamfest this weekend, some at hamfests coming up, and some on ebay. Proceeds will be
go half to the original owner and half to the club.
- Dave (KØVH) repoerts that it sometimes appears that iLink, on the .625 repeater, is being affected by Mayo paging. If
you have problems, take notes and report details to him.
- Programs - Dave (KØVH):
- June's program will be about Field Day; July's will be a visit from Jay (KØQB) talking about
ITU, the possible new 5Mhz band, updates on antenna restriction legislation, the Big Project and
any other ARRL related topics of interest; and the August meeting will be the picnic.
- Membership - John (KØKTY):
- The club now has 105 members. The web site has been updated, with new information in the APRS
section, with some new links, and in the DX net section.
- Boy Scouts - Bob (ABØBW):
- Bob has visited the Scouting Round Table. Fant Steele has an 85 foot wood pole at the JOTA site.
- Public Service - Pam (KCØCJM) and Peter (N8MHD):
- The Med City Marathon is coming up May 26.
- Three bicycle races, Rochesterfest, and a half marathon are on the schedule, with dates
on the web site. For the June2 bike race, 12 people with mobile rigs, plus one or two bikers with HTs are needed.
For the June 14 race, the Winona club will probably need some help, but how much is not known yet. The Rochesterfest
Parade needs 9 operators with HTs. The July race needs 10-12 people with mobile rigs, plus maybe a portable
digipeater and crossband repeater. The half marathon needs 1 or 2 bikes with APRS. Contact John (NØHZN),
or Steve (WØSTV) for the Parade.
- Library - Peter (N8MHD):
- The ARRL Library package has been delivered to the Rochester Library, and will be catalogued and
on the shelves soon.
- Don (KCØIDP reports that the Orange Hazmat book is available as a download, for PC or handheld, at
hazmat.dot.gov/gydebook.htm , with readers needed for handhelds. The addresses
are posted on the web site.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45.
Following the meeting, everybody drove over to the Silver Lake Power Plant, where Ken Allen conducted a fascinating tour.
Submitted by Peter N8MHD.
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