RARC Meeting Minutes - April 2003

The April meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00pm, Tuesday 4/8/03, by Vice President Erik VanNorman (KFØS), with 32 members and guests present.


  • Minutes from the March meeting were approved as posted on the web site.
  • Treasurer's Report by Bob (KCØGND):
    Checking: $ 2202.59
    Savings: $ 4948.08
    Cash: $ 31.00
    Undeposited Checks: $ 20.00
    Total: $ 7201.67
    Major transactions this period:
    • 2003 dues - $410.00
    • Insurance Claim income - $523.24
    • United Way income - $60.25
    • Telephones - $32.96
    • RPU - $42.00
    • Club liability insurance - $150.00
    • '.82 Repairs - $37.36

Committee Reports

  • Technical Committee - Stew (WØSHL):
    • The .82 repeater amp failed again, and has been sent off for repair again.
    • The .625 repeater replacement plan: Pat (NØADQ) has ordered an antenna, which will be installed by Mayo. The multiplexer cans will be checked at that time.
    • The .440 repeater is working fine, its air filters will be checked soon.
  • Public Service - John (NØHZN):
    • The May 25 Med City Marathon will need about 25 people with HTs. The May 31 Tour de Cure will need about 10 people with mobiles. Other upcoming events are the Centurion in July, the Half Marathon in August, the 4H Shootout in September, the RochesterFest Parade, and the Winona bike race. Check the web site.
  • ARES - Steve (WØSTV):
    • Message forms are available. ARES members should have a few in their go-pack.
    • ARES is now involved in the county IEMS.
  • Membership and Web Site - John (KØKTY):
    • There are 4 new members, three from the SkyWarn class.
    • Over the past 7 years, 175 people have not renewed their membership, about 20% per year, now. Most of these are Techs, and "lost interest." The most likely new members are new hams.
    • There are several support steps the club can provide for new Techs: outreach, license help, exams, and complimentary membership. A limitation in the support the club provides now is that the license class is offered only once a year, and is 8 weeks long. A proposal: the club could offer a Tech class on two successive Saturdays before an exam session. Also, we should consider classes for special groups, and upgrade classes. These would need a pool of instructors and elmers. We will follow up on this next meeting.
  • Field Day
    • The Field Day site this year may be at Pat's (NØADQ) home. The site has many obvious advantages, but is isolated, and it would be harder to have public attention and casual drop-ins. Alternatives will be discussed next meeting.
  • DX - Stew (WØSHL):
    • There has been a ham calling from Iraq, YI/KT4CK, Joe, on 15 m voice.

Old Business:

  • The RCTC summer "Kids College" program will run a course in radio and kits. The club has made a contribution, and will be represented somehow.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00.


Following the meeting, Don Frank (ADØF), Section Emergency Coordinator, and Steve Wiebke (WØSTV), Olmsted County Emergency Coordinator, gave a presentation on ARES.

Submitted by Peter N8MHD.

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