RARC Meeting Minutes - February 2003

The February meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00pm, Tuesday 2/11/03, by President Fred Regennitter (K4IU), with 34 members and guests present.


  • Minutes from the January meeting were approved as posted on the web site.
  • Treasurer's Report by Bob (KCØGND):
    Checking: $ 1955.91
    Savings: $ 4944.27
    Cash: $ 31.00
    Undeposited Checks: $ 0.00
    Total: $ 6931.18
    Major transactions this period (from 12/10/02):
    • 501c3 donations - $79.08
    • 2003 dues - $1170.00
    • Telephones - $74.72
    • '.82 Repairs paid - $117.92
    • Insurance claim income for '.82 - $558.81
    • RPU - $42.00

Committee Reports

  • Technical Committee - Stew (WØSHL):
    • The .82 repeater is up as of Thurs. 9:00, and putting out over 100 watts. If you hear any problems, let John or Stew know.
    • The .625 repeater is working well for now. Pat (NØADQ) will propose a replacement plan next month.
    • Voice over IP, EchoLink: a control op is now needed to avoid unlicensed access through the internet, so it is up only when someone is monitoring.
    • Bill (KØRGR) has been added as a new Tech Committee member.
  • Public Service - John (NØHZN):
    • See the web site calendar for events. For the Rochesterfest Parade, police coverage will be limited, and they may need more radio coverage than in the past.
  • ARES - Steve (WØSTV):
    • A new schedule of net control ops is in place starting March, and a new preamble.
    • The Department of Emergency Management, MN, is developing a packet net, which looks to be well designed. The EOC will have nodes. ATV is being promoted.
    • Mayo ARES has a new manager, and will start rebuilding. They will require participation, 2 activities a year.
    • Skywarn training will be March 26 at Diggers in Kasson.
    • Red cross Damage Assessment courses are coming up. Remember that a video introductory course must be completed first.
    • We need someone to take NTS messages, which come out of Winona.
  • Membership - John (KØKTY):
    • The Member Survey results are posted on the web site.
    • A folder is available to hand out to prospective members.
    • There are now 115 members, approximately 77 paid. Next month, the no-pays will start being dropped.


  • VE License testing will be March 13, at the Red Cross building.
  • Glenn Johnson (WØGJ) is back in Bhutan.
  • Joe (KBØRZW) asks for ideas for promoting amateur radio, and offers his help with demonstrations, particularly at large public events.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50.


Following the meeting, Neil (WØVLZ) and Tony (AAØSM) presented a program on kits and kitbuilding.

Submitted by Peter N8MHD.

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