RARC Meeting Minutes - July 2003
The July meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at
7:00pm, Tuesday 7/11/03, by President Fred Regennitter (K4IU), with 39 members and guests present.
- The June minutes were amended to state that yellow flashers can be used when driving very slowly, such as following a bicycle. The May and June minutes were approved as amended. The Treasurer's report was approved.
- Treasurer's Report: Bob (KCØGND).
Checking: |
$ 1467.51
Savings: |
$ 4954.37
Cash: |
$ 31.00 |
Total: |
$ 6442.00 |
Major transactions this period:
- .625 antenna - $857.33
- .820 new cables - $294.28
- Dues - $45.00
- Telephones & RPU - $68.15
- IBM United Way income - $110.48
Committee Reports
- Technical Committee - Stew (WØSHL):
- The .82 repeater is dead, and needs replacing. It has been in for repairs four times. The most appropriate controller is the CAT1000, but there are several possible choices for the repeater. $2950 has been pledged; we want a new 82 repeater, then go back to the .625 repeater and get it in good shape, and still have an adequate cash reserve left. The following motion was passed unanimously: The RARC members fully support the RARC Officers and Tech Committee and instruct them to make a final repeater purchase decision and place an order for that equipment. We further ask that they pick a solution that will incorporate the 625 repeater requirements.
- Web and Membership - John (KØKTY):
- We now have 105 members. Photos of Field Day are up on the web site, along with pictures and updates on Public Service events. The Event Calendar is updated.
- The Weekend License Class will be August 16 and 23, at the Red Cross building. A brochure is available, and copies have been placed in Radio Shack. Ten students have signed up so far, the limit is 12. Books for instructors will be bought by the club. The ten week license class will begin in September.
- Public Service - John (NØHZN):
- Three events remain for this year: the Rochester Centurion, the Half Marathon, and the 4H Shootout in September.
- ARES - Steve (WØSTV):
- The IEMS van work is progressing. ARES is now required to attend any official staging area, and provide communications.
- The EC net on Monday nights has had lots of participation. For the Sunday net, check in if you can.
- On Wednesday nights at 9:00 there is an NTS net on .745, for training and traffic.
- The .625 repeater is now being used for tone alert, as an alternate to .82.
- The club has been thanked by Jerry Nau (KØGQX) for its donation of $200 to the College for Kids course, end of August.
- On Monday nights following the EC net, there is a general net.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:54.
Following the meeting, the program consisted of A Virtual Tour of members' radio shacks.
Submitted by Peter N8MHD.
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