RARC Meeting Minutes - June 2003

The June meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00pm, Tuesday 6/10/03, by President Fred Regennitter (K4IU), with 35 members and guests present.


  • Approval of minutes from the May meeting was deferred till next meeting, since the minutes had been posted on the web site only hours before (due to the secretary being late and the webmaster out of town). The Treasurer's report was approved.
  • Treasurer's Report: Bob (KCØGND).
    Checking: $ 2486.09
    Savings: $ 4951.69
    Cash: $ 31.00
    Total: $ 7468.78
    Major transactions this period:
    • Swapfest Gross income - $347.00
    • Swapfest Expense, Digger's - $150.00
    • State Farm refund - $150.00
    • Telephones - $33.15
    • IBM United Way income - $55.24
    • Dues - $20.00

Committee Reports

  • Technical Committee - John (NØHZN):
    • The new antenna for the .625 repeater is expected to be installed July 7.
    • ARRL wants affiliated clubs to have 51% of RARC members to be ARRL members. There are advantages to RARC to be affiliated with ARRL. We will check to see how many members we now have, and will recruit more if needed.
  • Public Service - John (NØHZN):
    • The Med City and Tour de Cure events went well. The June 20 Rochesterfest Parade needs more operators, as does the Great River Bike Festival. Other events are coming up, check the website.
  • Field Day - Pat (NØADQ):
    • Field Day preparations are well under way. The site will be at Pat's rural homestead, check the website for maps and directions.
  • ARES - Steve (WØSTV):
    • The IEMS van has been stripped out and is being redone. It will have 6 radios, a mast, and GPS. It will be used throughout SE Minnesota.
    • The EC net on Monday nights has had lots of participation. For the Sunday net, check in if you can.
    • If enough people are interested, we could get up a group purchase of yellow flasher lights or magnetic signs. (Remember, don't drive at highway speeds with the yellow flasher on -- just have it on while stopped and observing weather, or driving very slowly such as following a bicycle.)
    • Don (ADØF) is back from Jackson, TN, where he helped at a shelter after the F4 tornado there. The local EOC had been wiped out, and all local communications were out for several hours.

New Business:

  • Bob (KCØGND) has investigated our insurance situation. The club's liability insurance has ended. We have equipment and fire damage insurance through ARRL. ARRL offers liability, but not officer misconduct and dishonesty insurance. He will investigate further.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45.


Following the meeting, the ARRL video "Amateur Radio Today" was shown.

Submitted by Peter N8MHD.

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