RARC Meeting Minutes - October 2003
The October meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at
7:00pm, Tuesday 10/14/03, by President Fred Regennitter (K4IU), with 43 members and guests present.
- The September minutes were approved with one correction ("Extra", not "Expert"). The treasurer's report was approved.
- Treasurer's Report: Bob (KCØGND).
Checking: |
$ 1358.43
Savings: |
$ 4956.87
Cash: |
$ 30.00 |
Total: |
$ 6345.30 |
Major transactions this period:
- Repeater Fund Income - $155.00
- IBM United Way donations - $111.68
- Dues - $110.00
- ARRL Equipment Insurance - $298.00
- Telephones - $33.33
- RPU - $40.00
Committee Reports
- Technical Committee - Stew (WØSHL):
- The new 82 repeater is complete. The transmission delay is fixed, the amp is fixed (it had a bad capacitor), it has new cables and lightning protection. There remains one cable to repair, and we will probably want a new antenna next year.
- The 625 repeater will be replaced with the same unit as the 82, and the old one will be kept as a spare. Mayo has put up the new antenna, and new hardline. We are looking for a cabinet. The new equipment will be purchased this month some time. We have enough money, and Mayo is considering making a large donation.
- The 440 repeater is working fine. It will be checked and cleaned soon.
- Web and Membership - John (KØKTY):
- At the end of August we had a license class, over two weekends. The class was well received, and we will offer it again. Of the 14 in the class, 9 have gotten new licenses, and 5 new members from the class are here tonight. We don't know yet whether we should offer another class before Christmas, or after. The Fall 10-week class got no sign-ups.
- With 9 new members from the class, and another 4 from a family membership (resulting from the class), we now have 118 members.
- A "findu" field has been added to the web site, for those with APRS. Also, there is a page for the new repeater functions.
- Public Service - John (NØHZN): We are done for the year. There may be an event February 14.
- ARES - Steve (WØSTV):
- The regular ARES net is on the 82 repeater at 9:00pm. There is a message traffic net Wednesdays at 9:00 on the 745.
- Library - Peter (N8MHD):
- The club received a copy of the book "YASME: the Danny Weil and Colvin Dxpeditions" from the ARRL, from an anonymous contribution. It will be donated to the Rochester Library. Any club member who wants to read it before it's passed on to the library should contact me.
- Scouts - Bob (ABØBW):
- JOTA, Jamboree On The Air, is this weekend. Volunteers are needed, starting at 9am Saturday 10/18 and going to 3pm Sunday. The location is at the GameHaven Council site, south on County 1, past Willow Creek School.
- DX - Stew (WØSHL):
- Kan (7J4AAL) is building a 5 element Yagi, in Japan, for 80 meters.
- Sweden has a new prefix, SC. This allows the call SCØUT for this weekend's JOTA.
- For CQWW, the end of October, VP2E will have a large station on Anguilla.
- The second annual WØDXCC convention, a DX conference, will be held in Bloomington this Saturday, 10/18.
- EchoLink - Bill (KØRGR):
- The EchoLink capabilities are improved, and there are lots of new functions. Handouts are available, or see the web site.
New Business:
- A Nominating Committee is needed to prepare a slate of officers. Anyone willing to serve on this should contact Fred.
- The Monday Ragchew Net meets at 8pm on the 745 repeater.
- The Teen net has moved to Fridays, to avoid conflicting with another net.
- Hamfest Minnesota is next weekend, 10/25. Don (ADØF) will be driving a van up. If you want to ride with him, check in to the ARES net at 9pm Sunday 10/19 and say you want a seat. Expect to chip in for gas.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:36, a few minutes off last month's record but still very impressive.
The program consisted of a presentation by John Scott (NØHZN) of the new 82 repeater functions.
Submitted by Peter N8MHD.
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