RARC Meeting Minutes - April 2004
The April meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at
7:00pm, Tuesday 4/13/04, by President Fred Regennitter (K4IU), with 41 members and guests present. Slips of paper were passed out so that everyone could sign up for a Door Prize!
- Because the March minutes had been posted only hours before the meeting, approval of the minutes was deferred till the May meeting.
- Treasurer's Report by Bob (KCØGND):
Checking: |
$ 1158.14
Savings: |
$ 5761.52
Undeposited checks: |
$ 110.00
Cash: |
$ 25.00 |
Total: |
$ 7054.66 |
Major transactions this period:
- 2004 dues: + $270.00
- Donations: + $110.01
- RPU: -$45.00
- Web URL: - $52.95
- College for Kids: - $300
Committee Reports
- Technical Committee - John (NØHZN):
- Repeaters: the 440 is fine, the .625 is fine - and has great range. The .82 failed once, because the fan in the building failed and the room got extremely hot. When it cooled off it seemed to work ok. We're trying to locate the building manager.
- The tower trailer (the one we use on Field Day) has received new(er) tires, donated by Pat.
- BPL - Fred (K4IU): There was a teleconference 2 weeks ago; we seem to have better cooperation with our power company than most places do with theirs. ARRL handouts are available. Mel Larson, Niel Weigand, and Don Galliland will be monitoring interference here.
- Public Service - John (NØHZN):
- The Med City Marathon is Memorial Day, May 30, and requires lots of operators. The Tour de Cure is right after that. There will be approximately 8 events this year. Check the web site for the schedule.
- ARES - Steve (WØSTV):
- A 136.5 Hz tone will be used as a Skywarn call alert.
- ARES is promoting simplex use. The calling frequency is 146.52, try calling it first.
- The Rochesterfest parade route is the same as last year, volunteers are needed.
- Red Cross: there is lots of activity. Take the Disaster Assessment class if you can. Classes have changed, and you must re-take the class to have credit for the new version.
- We're using the same Skywarn maps. If you need one ask Steve. The west side of the county is well covered, but more observers are needed north, east, and south. Contact KC0FOW@mailcity.com and ask for teams.
- MedARES has radios in all three hospitals, and there will be a small drill in the next few weeks. We will try to do more drills in the late Spring.
- Membership - John (KØKTY):
- Education: 9 from the Tech Class got their licences, and 3 are here this evening. A General Class will be offered May 8 and 15, with 12 people signed up. A computer projector would be very helpful for this class, if anyone knows of one that can be borrowed.
- 14 members from last year did not renew, and current membership stands at 117.
- Chuck (N2DUP) will be a candidate for ARRL Section Manager (covering Minnesota). If you are a member of ARRL, you are invited to sign his nominating petition.
- Field Day will be June 26-27. Our setup will be at Cahill's Farm, like last year. Volunteers are needed. The May program will be about Field Day.
- A thank-you letter was received from the College for Kids for our donation.
- A plaque has been made to thank Mayo for their grant to us.
The Door Prize, an Automatic Wire Stripper, was won by KØELW. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50.
Mel Larson (KCØP) presented the program, Microwaves: the World Beyond 10 GHZ. He demonstrated his equipment, and described the kinds of contacts possible in this region.
Submitted by Peter N8MHD.
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