RARC Meeting Minutes - December 2004

The December meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was the annual Holiday Party, held downstairs at Dos Amigos restaurant on Tuesday 12/14/04. A minimal business meeting was called to order at 6:50pm by outgoing President Fred Regennitter (K4IU), with 35 members and guests present.


  • November minutes were approved.
  • Treasurer's Report by Bob (KCØGND):
    Checking: $ 903.84
    Savings: $ 5770.26
    Cash: $ 20.00
    Total: $ 6694.10
    Major transactions this period (two months):
    • 2005 dues: +$270.00
    • IBM United Way: +$100.80
    • PO Box 1: -$48.00

Election of officers

  • The slate of candidates was elected unanimously: new officers are president Eric (KFØS) and vice-president Bill (KØRGR), and Peter (N8MHD) and Bob (KCØGND) continue as secretary and treasurer.

  • Door prizes were contributed by Don Franck, Bob Wiles, and Steve Wiebke.

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:00.


    Grant (KCØJOO) showed slides and described his experiences in Florida with Red Cross disaster relief.

    Submitted by Peter (N8MHD).

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