RARC Meeting Minutes - January 2004

The January meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00pm, Tuesday 1/13/04, by President Fred Regennitter (K4IU), with 41 members and guests present.


  • The December minutes were approved. The Treasurer's report, which consists of the 2003 annual report this month, was approved. Dues are due!
  • Treasurer's Report: Bob (KCØGND). Details are available on request.
    Starting Balance 2003: $ 6367.94
    Total Inflow for 2003: $ 8360.37
    Total Outflow for 2003: $ 10993.20
    Final Balance: $ 3735.11

Committee Reports

  • Technical Committee - Stew (WØSHL):
    • The .82 amplifier is dead. It has been sent in to get a new one, and we are waiting for a reply.
    • There is an echo on the .82, which happens if you let up on the mike fast. We are now using a tone control of 100 to control the echo.
    • The .625 repeater is getting some interference, some from the paging system at Mayo. We are working on it.
    • Rob KCØFOW is working on the 440 repeater, it has low output. It is now at Whitewater Wireless getting checked.
    • Some users are not identifying. Remember, you need to identify always. Control ops should take the repeater down if this happens.
  • Web, Membership, and Education - John (KØKTY):
    • The class last August was successful. We will be offering a class again in February. Try to get the word out. A notice appeared in the Post-Bulletin, but so far only 2 students have registered. About 10 is best. The class will be Feb 21 and 28; 7-10 days advance notice is needed for ordering books.
    • We now have 121 members (though only 70 have paid so far for 2004). Over half are individual memberships; 25% are Extra, 25% General, and 48% Tech/Tech+. Two-thirds are Rochester residents. 20% of Rochester hams are current club members, and another 32% are former members.
  • Public Service - John (NØHZN):
    • The Rochester Optimist Club is running the Frozen Goose Relay February 14, a run-snowshoe-ski race. We need 6-10 people with HTs for support. The usual events begin Memorial Day.
  • ARES - Steve (WØSTV):
    • Don (ADØF) reports that there is an emergency plan for Minnesota, written for volunteer groups to use. It is posted on the web site, for ARES members. Lots of people are needed to cover hospitals, and current ARES membership is not enough to cover the need. A drill is coming in April.
    • Our ARES is in the Olmsted County Emergency plan. We need more members, we are now at 54; if you think you are a member, check your ID card, they are dated. John NØHZN has taken over MedARES, and will be running call drills.
    • Peter (KCØPBY) reminds everyone of the SE Minn Traffic net, Wednesdays at 9:00 on the .745.
  • DX and Contesting - Stew (WØSHL): The next big contest is ARRL CWDX, Feb 21-22. Also, the Minnesota QSO party is coming up Feb 7.


  • Chuck (N2DUP) has agreed to be a public information officer for the club.
  • Dave (KØVH) is acting for a deceased ham, info is on the web site.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00, a long meeting to make up for several months of short ones.


Following the meeting, the program consisted of a presentation by Fred (K4IU) on Logbook of the World (LotW), the internet-based QSL system set up by the ARRL.

Submitted by Peter N8MHD.

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