RARC Meeting Minutes - June 2004

The June meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00pm, Tuesday 6/8/04, by President Fred Regennitter (K4IU), with 32 members and guests present.


  • May minutes were approved.
  • Treasurer's Report by Bob (KCØGND):
    Checking: $ 1360.86
    Savings: $ 5764.08
    Cash: $ 25.00
    Total: $ 7149.94
    Major transactions this period:
    • 2004 dues: + $50.00
    • Donations: + $50.02

Committee Reports

  • Technical Committee - Stew (WØSHL):
    • The Tech Committee will be meeting at 6:30 immediately before the club meetings for the next few months, rather than on Monday the day before. As always, non-members are welcome to attend.
    • The temperature probe (to warn of high temps in the building housing the .82 repeater) should be installed July 1.
    • The club will acquire a few APRS trackers. The Tech Comm. will get one and test it, then a few more.
    • The process of acquiring a projector has begun. A grant would be nice.
  • BPL - Fred (K4IU):
    • Niel and Mel have been working with RPU, and have been doing some listening and testing. They asked where the injection points will be, and were told they don't know. Apparently they are waiting on their equipment supplier. Mel has recorded noise levels on three different days using a mobile setup, on 80m to 6m. The neighborhood of the BPL test is relatively quiet, with a few odd noises recorded.
  • Public Service - John (NØHZN):
    • For the Med City Marathon, club support made a major contribution. The Diabetes Tour de Cure was the largest in a long time. Coming events: the Rochesterfest Parade, Steve (WØSTV) would like more operators; June 26 (which conflicts with Field Day) is the Ride for the Y, and July 10 is the Centurion. Check the web site for the schedule.
  • ARES - Steve (WØSTV):
    • There was an IAMS meeting last week. Also, MedARES had a radio test.
    • CERT (Citizen Emergency Response Team) is big in this county, and may be interested in a license class.
    • The hospital-radio system has been a very popular idea, but statewide ARES is having problems with distance and low numbers of hams in some regions.
    • Steve announced that as of December, he will step down as EC. He has done an excellent job, and the club appreciates his hard work.
    • If you want to nominate yourself as Steve's replacement, send an email to Bob (KCØGND). Leadership experience in other groups is good. You must be an ARRL member, and you get appointed by the Section Manager, who will be Skip Jackson or Chuck Gysi depending on the outcome of that election.
  • Field Day - Pat (NØADQ):
    • We have station captains, and things are lining up smoothly. Meet at Grandmas for breakfast, and go out from there for setup. Bring a dish to pass, our noble cooks will provide brats and hamburgers.
    • This year we will run low power (100 watts), 3A. There will be a Portable Antenna Competition, a new event -- the antenna must fit in a car, and be set up in 5 minutes. Scoring is 1 point per foot of elevation of the feed point. The winner will get fame and fortune, or perhaps applause and a certificate.
  • Membership - John (KØKTY):
    • Membership is still at 120.

New Business:

  • The club voted unanimously to give the Red Cross a donation of $300, in appreciation of what they do for us.
  • Paul (WDØGCP) has a steel table for free, come pick it up.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50.


John Scott (NØHZN) described the APRS system.

Submitted by Peter (N8MHD).

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