RARC Meeting Minutes - November 2004

The November meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:01pm, Tuesday 11/8/04, by President Fred Regennitter (K4IU), with 30 members and guests present.


  • October minutes were late, and will be approved next meeting.
  • Treasurer's Report by Bob (KCØGND):
    Checking: $ 647.38
    Savings: $ 5769.27
    Cash: $ 20.00
    Total: $ 6436.65
    Major transactions this period (two months):
    • 2005 dues: +$145.00
    • 5 yr lease @ Simpson: -$5.00

Committee Reports

  • Technical committee - Stew (WØSHL):
    • The timer has been reset on the 82 and 625 repeaters. The 625 may still have an erratic problem, which may be ok to ignore. It will be watched.
    • The APRS antenna broke in the process of relocating, a new one will be purchased.
    • The Simpson site has been leased for 5 years, at $1 per year.
    • A secondary site for APRS is being looked for by Bob (NØEST).
  • BPL - Mel (KCØP):
    • Ed Hare (W1RFI) was here, and met with Niel, Mel, and Bill. Ed did a set of measures, using a PCR1000, using an automated sweep function. Would it be useful for the club to have one of these receivers? We will look around for one, and consider getting one if it is cheap. Ed also talked to Dan Sturm, who had been unaware of the interference potential of amateur radio transmissions on BPL. They (RPU) are not happy with their vendor, and will likely be changing. Ed was impressed with our cooperative relationship with RPU. Not much is likely to happen over the winter.
  • Membership - John (KØKTY):
    • Dues are due!
    • Is there interest in an upgrade class in 2005? Either general or extra. Let John know if you want one.
  • Public Service - John (NØHZN):
    • The Frozen Goose Relay will be Feb. 5. Watch the web site for the schedule.
  • Boy Scouts - Bob (ABØBW):
    • There was no interest in JOTA this year, but there is a scout interested for next year.
  • ARES - Steve (WØSTV):
    • Steve is leaving as EC, and will be replaced by Bob Wiles ABØBW.
    • The packet node is up, 145.67, for emergency traffic. There will be a discussion at 8:30 on the net about getting on it. Check the website www.ares.org.
    • There will be a foxhunt up at Stillwater, 11/20, participants need to be sponsored by the club.
    • A powerpoint presentation on Winlink 2000 is available, and will be sent to ARES members..
    • There was an SET a couple of weeks ago, which didn't go very well.
  • DX - Stew (WØsHL):
    • On November 11, the battleship Missouri, from Hawaii, will be operating.
    • Lots of Dx is happening -- Madeira Islands, Angola -- get on the air.


  • A group will be getting together for a club entry in the ARRL phone sweeps, 11/20. Sign up for a time.
  • The Holiday Meeting will be held at Dos Amigos, in the downstairs room, like last year.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45.


The program was presented by Peter Wollan (N8MHD), on Phased Vertical Antennas.

Submitted by Peter (N8MHD).

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