RARC Meeting Minutes - September 2004

The September meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 6:38pm, Tuesday 9/14/04, by President Fred Regennitter (K4IU), with 28 members and guests present.

The meeting was held in one of the barns at Pat's (NØADQ) farm. Barbecue sandwiches were served, with chips and pop (provided by the club -- a bribe to increase attendance), as we listened to the rain on the metal roof. This was the evening that the area had 6 to 10 inches of rain, and the noise was really quite impressive.


  • June and July minutes were approved. The August meeting was the picnic, which also had unusual weather (cold, but not wet), and no business meeting was held then.
  • Treasurer's Report by Bob (KCØGND):
    Checking: $ 489.38
    Savings: $ 5767.48
    Cash: $ 25.00
    Total: $ 6281.86
    Major transactions this period (two months):
    • IBM Grant: +$1000.00
    • College for Kids refund: +$300.00
    • Projector purchase: -$1010.19
    • Liability insurance: -$325.00
    • Fire/Theft insurance: -$244.00
    • Red Cross donation: -$300.00

Committee Reports

  • BPL - Mel (KCØP):
    • Mel and Niel have measured noise levels after RPU's corrective notching was applied, and there is still significant interference. The noise varies with number of subscribers hooked up and with their activity. The next step is a letter to RPU, pointing out that their mitigation efforts haven't worked, and politely asking them what they will do next.
  • ARES - Grant (KCØJOO):
    • Grant is just back from Florida, where he worked with Don Franck and Bev Richards doing Disaster Assessment for Hurricane Charley, in Arcadia. It was very rewarding, and he will probably go back for Ivan. There were over 2000 Red Cross volunteers, from all over.


  • The Holiday Meeting will be held at Dos Amigos, in the downstairs room, like last year.

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:02.


    The reason for having the meeting at Pat's was to inventory the club equipment, and Pat had also planned to have an educational session on setting up the club towers (which are used each year for Field Day). The rain made setting up the towers unfeasible, but other equipment was gathered together. In addition to the two towers (and their triband yagis), the club has two HF amplifiers, and at least one TNC, plus lots of coax and rope.

    Submitted by Peter (N8MHD).

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