RARC Meeting Minutes - July 2005

The July meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:02pm, Tuesday 7/12/05, by President Eric Van Norman (KFØS), with 43 members and guests present.


  • June minutes were approved.
  • Treasurer's Report by Bob (KCØGND), presented by Peter (N8MHD) in Bob's absence:
    Checking: $ 2218.09
    Savings: $ 5776.97
    Cash: $ 20.00
    Total: $ 8015.06
    Major transactions this period:
    • 2005/2006 Dues: +$120.00
    • IBM United Way: +$50.60
    • '.82 repair: -$202.37
    • Red Cross Donation: -$300.00
    • Field Day - N0ADQ: -$122.30
    • RPU -3Q05: -$60.00

    Committee Reports

    • Technical committee - Rob (KCØFOW):
      • The .82 repeater tone access is now being turned off at night, so that a different tone can be used to page Skywarn.
      • IRLP is still being considered by the executive group.
    • Programs - Bill (KØRGR):
      • The picnic will be in August at Foster Arend park, bring your own meat and something to pass. September will be Bob (ABØBW) on ARES, and for October digital modes.
    • BPL - Mel (KCØP):
      • Mel described what he could of his trip to Cincinnati, which was paid for by RPU and required a non-disclosure agreement. RPU is considering working with the same company that has set up the system there, Current Technology.
    • Membership - John (KØKTY):
      • We now have 124 members.
      • Field Day results will be posted to the web site soon.
    • Public Service - John (NØHZN):
      • July had no events. August has the Half-Marathon, and September has the Centurion.
    • ARES - Bob (ABØBW):
      • The Emergency Preparation Exhibit and Demo on June 21 had good attendance.
      • June was busy, with many events and 2 Skywarn calls.
      • Pick up your ARES badge if you haven't yet. If you want to join ARES get a form from Bob.
      • The email about a group purchase of anemometers for Skywarn got little response, and will be sent out again.
    • DX and Contesting - Stew (WØSHL):
      • The Korean DX Club is going to Solomon Islands and Tuamotu, H44 and H40. Many countries are on the air now, including Iraq.
      • A two week free trial of an internet DX notification newsletter is available from www.bethany-beach.net/dailydxorder.html.
    • Field Day - Pat (NØADQ):
      • Our claimed score is 4560, representing a tremendous increase in QSOs but nearly the same score as last year because of getting a lower power multiplier this year. Since conditions weren't real good, and we missed some of the extra point supplements we got last year, we did pretty well.
      • Email Pat with any corrections or omissions you find on the web site, once the information gets posted.

  • New Business
    • The club received a letter from Jerry Nau, giving more information about his College for Kids class at RCTC for elementary and middle school talented and gifted kids. He asked for donations to help with the $150 tuition. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the club donate $300 to the program.
    • The family of R.V. Ehrick, who passed away earlier this year, are donating his ham equipment to the club. This represents a very high quality classical station.
    • Someone has been making illegal transmissions on the State Police Channel 1. If you monitor that channel, try listening on the repeater input frequency, 155.97, and if you hear him try to get direction information.

    The meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm.


The program was by Dave Thomson, NØRPD, and John Turk, NØWYH, who described (with technical details!) the new Rochester-Olmsted County 800 MHz trunking system that is being installed. Also, the new Incident Command Vehicle was there for tours.

Submitted by Peter (N8MHD).

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