RARC Meeting Minutes - March 2005
The March meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at
7:00pm, Tuesday 3/8/05, by President Eric Van Norman (KFØS), with 37 members and guests present.
- February minutes were approved.
- Treasurer's Report by Bob (KCØGND): Form 990 was filed as requested by the IRS, with the help of Charlie WØTAX.
Checking: |
$ 2097.93
Savings: |
$ 5773.17
Cash: |
$ 20.00 |
Total: |
$ 7891.10 |
Major transactions this period:
- 2005 Dues: +$160.00
- IBM United Way: +50.40
Committee Reports
- Technical committee - Rob (KCØFOW):
- The 82 repeater will be taken down to put on the weather station, and to program. While it is down, it will be replaced by the old one.
- Pat (NØADQ) is resigning from the committee, and will be replaced by Brad (KCØQVH).
- The digipeater will be getting a replacement antenna, by July.
- BPL - Mel (KCØP), Fred (K4IU):
- Phase 1 is concluded. The original hardware company has been dropped, and replaced by Home Plug. There will be a meeting March 1 with RPU. Mel will be going to Cincinnati for discussions. The proposed new system seems to be reasonably ok as far as RFI is concerned. ARRL will probably take the FCC to court over its handling of BPL.
- Membership - John (KØKTY):
- We have 127 members, 82 paid for 2005. The Technician class last month had 9 students, and there will be an exam this Thursday, so there are 8 new hams on the way (one is renewing). This was the third class to run, and there will probably be another in September.
- The web site is 10 years old, almost. It replaced monthly mailed fliers. In February, it had 19000 hits, and seems to be used a lot by outsiders looking for specific information. Remember to tell John if you see something that needs fixing.
- Public Service - John (NØHZN):
- The Med City marathon is May 29, Diabetes Tour de Cure June 4, Rochester Y Ride June 18. MS rides through Minnesota are coming near here May 7, June 11-12, and June 24-29.
- This is John's last year as Public Service Chair.
- DX - Stew (WØSHL):
- Swain Island is active, as is 4U1UN (the UN site in New York). There are 339 DX "entities" now.
- There are at least 30 contests running in March.
- ARES - Bob (ABØBW):
- Skywarn class is Mar 24.
- The ARES directory needs to be updated, there is a form on the website. Fill it out to provide your current information.
New Business:
- Bob (ABØBW) has a camping reservation for Dayton, and is looking for 1 more person, May 19 through May 22.
- Grant (KCØJOO) reports that the police will be switching to a trunking communication system, and has a contact who is willing to give a presentation to the club.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:58pm.
Dave Naatz (KØVH) and Peter Wollan (N8MHD) presented a program on QRP Operating and Elecraft Radios.
Submitted by Peter (N8MHD).
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