RARC Meeting Minutes - May 2005

The May meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00pm, Tuesday 5/10/05, by President Eric Van Norman (KFØS), with 37 members and guests present.


  • March minutes were approved as corrected, and April minutes were approved.
  • Treasurer's Report by Bob (KCØGND):
    Checking: $ 2705.98
    Savings: $ 5775.04
    Cash: $ 20.00
    Total: $ 8501.02
    Major transactions this period:
    • 2005 Dues: +$75.00
    • IBM United Way: +50.40

    Committee Reports

    • Technical committee - Rob (KCØFOW):
      • The .82 repeater's power amp is fine. We are checking cabling.
      • Cleanup day: the door filter bracket is made, and needs to be mounted. We will announce on the Sunday night net when the cleanup day will be.
      • The .625 repeater is fine. We will ask Mayo to tweak it.
      • The WØMXW license renewal has arrived. The secretary has a copy.
      • We are looking for a digipeater site, north.
      • APRS has recommended discontinuing relay=wide.
      • We will discuss establishing an IRLP node.
    • Programs - Bill (KØRGR):
      • Programs are set for the rest of the year. June will be Field Day, July trunked radios, August the club picnic ....
    • BPL - Fred (K4IU):
      • It's been pretty quiet, nothing heard.
    • Membership - John (KØKTY):
      • We have another renewing member, Ed WØOHU. Ed was once the Flyer editor.
      • We now have 115 members.
      • Some "for sale" items are showing up again for the web site classified page.
    • Public Service - John (NØHZN):
      • The Med City marathon is May 29, and Art Daniels will be managing it. It is followed by the Tour de Cure, then the Wabasha bike race, then the Ride for the Y -- all on consecutive weekends. And then the Rochesterfest Parade. You're needed -- show up and help out, and have some fun along the way.
    • DX and Contesting - Stew (WØSHL):
      • There are 4 Hungarians active in Lichtenstein; on 40 meters there is a South African, and Andorra, Georgia, Saudi Arabia are all active. And there are lots of contests this month.

  • Jim KCØWVA has completed WAS. Congratulations!
  • The doors to the Red Cross building will now be locked soon after the meeting starts. If you find yourself locked out, use the doorbell to ask to be let in.
Old Business: We are still collecting Kwik Trip milk bottle caps, to be redeemed for cash.
New Business:
  • It was moved and passed that we decline the request for money from "College 4 Kids" pending more information.
  • It was moved and passed that we contribute $300 to Red Cross, in appreciation for all they do for us.

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.


The program was an introduction to APRS, by Bob Hart KCØGND.

Submitted by Peter (N8MHD).

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