RARC Meeting Minutes - November 2005

The November meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:06pm, Tuesday 11/8/05, by President Eric Van Norman (KFØS), with 38 members and guests present.


  • Meeting Minutes
    October minutes were approved with an amendment: the "truck" that removed Ehrick's tower was G&S Antenna Service. The Treasurer's report was approved.
  • Treasurer's Report
    Checking: $ 1218.21
    Savings: $ 5780.81
    Cash: $ 20.00
    Total: $ 7119.02
    Major transactions this period:
    • 2006 Dues: +120.00
    • IBM United Way: +$42.20
    • G&S Antenna: -$300.00

Committee Reports

  • Technical committee - John (NØHZN):
    • The .82 repeater power amp is pulled, and will be repaired in the next 3-4 weeks. It will run on low power till then. As an alternative, check out 146.52 simplex, make a contact and then QSY. Let's see how well we do.
    • The WØMXW-2 digipeater has a $180 radio on order.
    • IRLP update: we are coordinating with the IBM club.
    • Is it worth buying an SWR/Wattmeter for club use? Give suggestions to Brad.
  • Programs - Bill (KØRGR):
    • December will be the annual party, at Dos Amigos. Presentation ideas for next year are welcome. Maybe a Kit Building Night again? Also, people can bring in equipment at any meeting, as a side item, to look at during break.
  • Membership - John (KØKTY):
    • There was a VE session October 20 after the Technician class, and two new licensees are here tonight.
    • We now have 130 members. Dues for 2006 may be paid to the treasurer.
    • More short videos have been made, and a few more are still in the works.
  • Public Service - John (NØHZN):
    • We've started meeting for events next Spring, and we're getting thank-you letters for last year's efforts.
  • ARES - John (NØHZN):
    • MedARES is slowly starting up again. We will practice maybe twice a year?
    • Steve (WØSTV): All 3 hospitals have stations, and need to be supported. Check the ARES Sunday night net.
  • Contests/DX - Stew (WØSHL):
    • There are 12 contests by the end of this month, some of them majors.

    Old Business

    • The Nomination Committee (John, NØHZN and Steve, WØSTV) has come up with a slate for next year's officers. President, VP, and Treasurer will continue in office (if elected, of course), and BJ will be Secretary as soon as he turns 18 in January. Voting is at the December meeting/party.
    New Business
    • Please go to the web site and check your email address.
    • The ARRL is helping hurricane kids through a toy drive, with the Salvation Army. See the ARRL web site for information. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the club donate $200 to the ARRL Toy Drive.

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:51 pm.


The program was by Terry Van Benschoten, WØVB, on SDR - Software Defined Radios.

Submitted by Peter (N8MHD).

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