RARC Meeting Minutes - September 2005

The September meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:03pm, Tuesday 9/13/05, by President Eric Van Norman (KFØS), with 38 members and guests present.


  • July minutes were approved. August was the club picnic, and there were no minutes.
  • Treasurer's Report by Bob (KCØGND):
    Checking: $ 1511.33
    Savings: $ 5778.91
    Cash: $ 20.00
    Total: $ 7310.24
    Major transactions this period:
    • 2005-96 Dues: +$175.00
    • Field Day: -$81.66
    • College for Kids: -$300.00
    • ARRL Fire and Theft Insurance: -$244.00
    • ARRL Liability Insurance ($1 million for any club member, at any club event): -$325.00

    Committee Reports

    • Technical committee - no report.
    • Programs - Bill (KØRGR):
      • The October program will be about CAP, by Greg (KCØEEU). The November program will be Software Defined Radios, and December will be the annual party.
    • BPL - Mel (KCØP):
      • Interfacing continues with RPU's Dan Sturm. Dan is talking to the industry, and will address the "interference issue." Hams should document their activity on HF emergency nets, at their own QTH. Recordings, in particular, could prove useful in the future.
    • Membership - John (KØKTY):
      • We now have 125 members.
      • There will be a Technician Class October 1 and 8. John has made several short videos of club members demonstrating their equipment and operations, as supplements for the class.
    • Public Service - Bob (KCØGND):
      • The Centurion will be September 17, starting from Bear Creek, with 9 hams working.
    • ARES - Bob (ABØBW):
      • IDs are available.
      • Skywarn has been active.

  • Old Business
    • Kwik Trip milk caps are still being collected.
    • Jerry Nau thanked the club for our donation to College for Kids. He had three classes, with 38 students, and our donation was used for tuition and projects. This material is not presented in public schools any more, and both parents and kids are enthusiastic.
  • New Business
    • Lowell Anderson (WØLBN) is SK, and a moment of silence was held in his memory. His family will donate equipment to the club. The executive committee will handle this.
  • Announcements
    • Hamfest MN is cancelled for 2005, but will be back in 2006.
    • There will be a Skywarn wrapup, October 20, 7 pm, at Diggers.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 pm.


The program was by Steve Wiebke, WØSTV, on ARES.

Submitted by Peter (N8MHD).

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