RARC Meeting Minutes - April 2006
The April meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at
7:03pm, Tuesday 4/11/06, by President Eric Van Norman (KFØS).
We welcomed 3 new members, KC0WIP, KC0WIJ, and KC0WJH
- Meeting Minutes
The February and March meeting minutes were approved.
- Treasurer's Report
- Club members wishing to join the ARRL should join with the club.
The club is allowed to take a $15 donation and from the registration
price and register you with the ARRL.
Checking: |
$ 2219.53
Savings: |
$ 1783.24
CD @ 3.92%: |
$ 4000.00 (self insurred repeater fund)
Cash: |
$ 20.00 |
Total: |
$ 8022.77 |
Major transactions this period:
- 2006 Dues: +$345.00
- Educ Income: +$80.00
- Educ Cost: -$77.24
- Web URL (5 years): -$92.95
- RPU (2Q): -$60
Committee Reports
- Technical committee - Rob (KCØFOW):
- There was no tech committee meeting this month
- The Diamond SWR meter arrived
- Programs - Bill (KØRGR):
- Jon Turk gave a program on the EOC and our role as Ham Radio Operators in Olmsted County.
- Next month Niel W0VLZ will give a program on vintage homebrewed equipment.
- We need new ideas for meeting programs.
- Still not sure when the auction will be
- Bill also announced that there is a VHF contest in June and perhaps a few of us could do a rover?
- Membership - Bill (K0RGR):
- We welcomed 3 new callsigns to tonight's meeting
- Public Service - John (NØHZN):
- The next scheduled event is the Med-City Marathon. May 28th. Art KC0JKP will be coordinating again and we need 12-18 operators for this event. We also will need a new APRS bicycle mobile operator.
- Tour de cure is June 3rd, the website needs (and probably has been) updated.
- Rochesterfest is field day weekend this year.
- There is a potential for new events this year, watch the website for details.
- ARES - Bob (ABØBW):
- Registration for ARES is still online, make sure you have registered.
- At the skywarn training meeting we had a callout and half the room left, nothing majorly interesting happened as far as the weather was concerned.
- EOC - Steve (W0STV):
- Nothing was presented because of the program for tonight (EOC by Jon Turk)
- BPL - Mel Kc0P
- New proposals for BPL were turned in yesterday (April 10)
- 1 bid, Hiawatha Broadband with Corinex equipment.
- They intend to rely more on fiber optics and WiFi this time
- There should be a downtown WiFi blanket if all goes as planned.
- Houston Texas is a spot we looked at for evaluation.
- Contests/DX - Stew (WØSHL):
- Other/New Business
The Program this month was Jon Turk on the EOC
Submitted by BJ (KC0NPF).
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