The December meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was the Annual Holiday Party and was held at Vitctoria’s restaurant on Tuesday, December 12, 2006. The business meeting was called to order by President Eric Van Norman (KFØS) at 7:00 p.m. There were approximately 40 members and guests present.
Checking: |
$ 2010.76 |
Savings: |
$ 1784.76 |
CD @ 5.00%: |
(self insured repeater fund) $ 4092.11 |
Cash: |
$ 20.00 |
Total: |
$ 7907.63 |
Major transactions this period:
PO Box #1 fees
· Membership - Bob (KCØGND):
o Stands at 118 members this month. 21 members paid for 2007.
o 2007 dues can be paid. They are delinquent on December 31, 2006. They can be paid tonight or via club mail.
Election of Officers
· The slate of candidates were elected unanimously:
o President, Dave Naatz, KØVH
o Vice-President, KariAnn Wiles, KCØWIP
o Treasurer, Bob Hart, KCØGND
o Secretary, Bill Osler, KØRGR
New Business
· Dick Redmond, WA4EJJ, is planning to start a 10m net in 2007. This net would be in the Technician part of the band, possibly around 28.315. Look for more announcements in the near future.
· Roger Kroupa, WBØISF, discussed having an indoor swapfest during February or March in the old Pawn America building on S Broadway. He is pursuing a date and getting the building.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
by Eric (KFØS).