RARC Meeting Minutes - February 2006

The February meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:02pm, Tuesday 2/14/06, by President Eric Van Norman (KFØS). There was a small turnout because of Valentine's Day.

  • Peter Wollan N8MHD has stepped down as Secretary of the RARC. Byron J. Watts (BJ) KC0NPF has been appointed as the new club Secretary.


    • Meeting Minutes
      January minutes were approved. The Treasurer's report was approved.
    • Treasurer's Report
      The treasurer's annual report is available to members on the web site.
      Checking: $ 2030.05
      Savings: $ 1782.87
      CD @ 3.92%: $ 4000.00
      Cash: $ 20.00
      Total: $ 7832.92
      Major transactions this period:
      • 2006 Dues: +$640.00
      • W0MXW-2 Radio: -179.98
      • Website -148.99

    Committee Reports

    • Technical committee - Rob (KCØFOW):
      • There was a Tech Committee meeting this month on Monday February 13.
      • The .625 phone line in (for repeater control) was down and will be repaired.
      • The club meeting is now on an automated announcement on the .820 machine at 15 minutes after the hour. It will be turned on 1 week before each club meeting.
      • .820 amp is still up (fingers crossed)
      • The digipeater repair is still in progress, a radio has been purchased as stated in the treasurer's report.
      • The Technical Committee is reccommending a purchase of a Diamond SX-1000 Wattmeter for use by club members and at club events (aka field day). The motion passed.
      • Inventory: much of our equipment is currently stored in Pat N0ADQ's barn. The recent donation of several items to the club needs to be dealt with. These items include: SB220 - works, fixed fan EF Johnson KW MatchBox w/SWR - works Alinco 110 2 meter rig - works Heath Twoer - unknown Heath SB301 SB401 receiver transmitter pair - works - repaired 401 so it would tune the final SB630 station console - blows fuses, not had time to trouble shoot further SB 620 Scanalyzer - works SB610 Station Monitor - needs new on-off switch otherwise works HM102 SWR Wattmeter - repaired, works Heath SW 7800 Shortwave receiver - kind of works, but has a problem when warmed up HD10 keyer - unknown Knightkit KN2512 Grid Dip Meter - repaired power supply, rebuilt coil case, found and printed manual 48 foot Rohn HBX tower - top is rusty CDE Ham-M rotator - unknown Mosley CL-33 triband beam - N connector - looks in great shape - Same as the RARC Field Day antennas
      • Many ways were discussed as to how to best dispose of this equipment, however it was left to the Tech committee to make the final decision
      • No action was taken on IRLP this month.
    • Programs - Bill (KØRGR):
      • Bill, K0RGR gave the meeting on Near Vertical Incidence Skywave propogation (NVIS) this month.
      • Next month's meeting will be on different propogation modes by Mel, KC0P.
    • Membership - John (KØKTY):
      • 2 more members tonight, there are now:
      • 75 paid members
      • 60 unpaid, now with suspended membership.
      • Another Technician class is coming up, March 4 and 11. We currently have 10 people signed up via Community Ed. This will be the 6th class in this format, with 31 people taking these classes so far.
      • Running classes twice a year seems to work well, with VE exams 4 times per year.
      • It would be nice to have a few more Volunteer Examiners available -- talk to Pat (NØADQ).
    • Public Service - John (NØHZN):
      • The next scheduled event is the Med-City Marathon.
    • ARES - Bob (ABØBW):
      • Registration for ARES is still online, make sure you have registered.
      • The NCS list is updated. If you want to be a net control operator, let Bob know.
    • EOC - Steve (W0STV):
      • We are still revamping, especially with the Med-Ares program. However, there will be no big changes in our setup/operation with the EOC
      • Anemometers are recommended for Skywarn, and a list of good choices is available. We will not be doing a group purchase -- get one on your own. The Skywarn training date is March 30.
      • John Turk is our liason into the EOC now that Dave Carr has retired.
    • Contests/DX - Stew (WØSHL):
      • 3y0X is on all bands and all modes. Work them while you can, this expidition doesn't happen very often!
      • SuitSat is getting really really weak.

      The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.


    The program was by Bill, K0RGR on NVIS.

    Submitted by BJ (KC0NPF).

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