RARC Meeting Minutes - January 2006

The January meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:02pm, Tuesday 1/10/06, by President Eric Van Norman (KFØS), with 34 members and guests present.


  • Meeting Minutes
    November and December minutes were approved. The Treasurer's report was approved.
  • Treasurer's Report
    The treasurer's annual report is available to members on the web site.
    Checking: $ 1646.09
    Savings: $ 5782.33
    Cash: $ 20.00
    Total: $ 7448.42
    Major transactions this period:
    • 2006 Dues: +$220.00
    • RPU 1Q06: -$60.00

Committee Reports

  • Technical committee - Rob (KCØFOW):
    • There was no Tech Committee meeting this month.
    • The .82 repeater amp is working, the .625 repeater squelch was turned up a bit and tones were put on. APRS and Echolink are functioning well.
    • Wabasha will be getting an APRS node, and a UHF repeater.
  • Programs - Bill (KØRGR):
    • Tonight will be John Reed with short videos. February will be Kit Build Night. Get money to Bill for a Tiny Tracker, if you want to build one. Several other interesting small kits are available.
  • Membership - John (KØKTY):
    • Last year was a good one for the club, with 26 new members. Membership ended the year at 133. Lots of dues for 2006 remain unpaid.
    • Another Technician class is coming up, March 4 and 11. This will be the 6th class in this format, with 31 people taking these classes so far. Running classes twice a year seems to work well, with VE exams 4 times per year. It would be nice to have a few more Volunteer Examiners available -- talk to Pat (NØADQ).
    • The new ARES NCS 2006 schedule is on the web site. Also, there are pictures of Terry (WØVB)'s tower, in its new collapsed pretzel condition.
  • Public Service - John (NØHZN):
    • The Frozen Goose Relay will be February 4. Summer stuff is coming up. The John Beargrease Dogsled race will be January 28, and will use Echolink as Rx-only. You're welcome to listen in.
  • ARES - Bob (ABØBW):
    • Make sure you're registered for ARES, there is a form on the web site.
    • The NCS list is updated. If you want to be a net control operator, let Bob know.
    • Anemometers are recommended for Skywarn, and a list of good choices is available. We will not be doing a group purchase -- get one on your own. The Skywarn training date is March 30.
  • Contests/DX - Stew (WØSHL):
    • Lots of DX is on the air now, and lots of contests coming up. The ARRL VHF Sweepstakes is January 21.

    New Business

    • Frank Karnauskas (N1UW), the Emergency Coordinator for the Section, presented Don (ADØF) with a Certificate of Appreciation.

    The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.


The program was by John Reed, KØKTY, showing his latest short videos.

Submitted by Peter (N8MHD).

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