RARC Meeting Minutes - November 2006
The November meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio
Club was called to order at 7:00pm, Tuesday 11/14/06, by President Eric
Van Norman (KFØS). There were approximately 25 members present.
- Treasurer's Report
Checking: |
1653.13 |
Savings: |
$ 1784.57 |
CD @ 5.00% (
repeater fund) : |
$ 4092.11 |
Cash: |
$ 85.00 |
Total: |
$ 7614.81 |
Major transactions this period:
2007 Dues
FM Contest Prizes -$65.87
· Membership
- Bob (KCØGND):
- Stands at 115 members this month
- 2007 dues can be paid. They are delinquent on
December 31, 2006. They can be paid tonight, at the Annual Meeting or
via club mail.
Committee Reports
- Programs - Bill (KØRGR):
- November: Brad Phelps, AIØBP, on "Doing
More With Amateur Radio for Less"
- December: Holiday party at Victoria's – 6:30
- Discussion on another 2-meter contest this
- Technical committee - Rob (KCØFOW):
- There is a plan to reload configuration and
speed-dial numbers on the 82 and 625 repeaters.
- Discussion and motion passed to purchase a CBA
II battery analyzer.
- Discussion and motion passed to purchase a MFJ
269 antenna analyzer.
- List equipment available for checkout on the
- ARES - Bob (ABØBW):
- Make sure you're registered, registration
available online
- Your ARES ID cards expire at the end of this
year. There will be new ones issued next year.
- If you would like to be added to the ARES Net
control stations contact Bob.
- EOC - Steve (WØSTV):
- The EOC is currently being rebuilt from the
floor up. Hopefully by the end of the year, there will be a second copy
of the downtown EOC which can be used as backup. A possible program
next year will be a tour of the new facility.
- The 145.67 node has been moved to a water
tower by the Event Center.
Other/New Business
- Current plans are for a Spring class on the
Saturdays of March 3 and 10.
- The nominating committee has been busy and the
following slate of candidates was presented. Elections will be held at
the Annual Meeting on December 12th.
- President, Dave Naatz, KØVH
- Vice-President, KariAnn Wiles, KCØWIP
- Treasurer, Bob Hart, KCØGND
- Secretary, Dave Seavey, KCØUCN
The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
The program this month was Brad Phelps, AIØBP,
on video discussing "Doing More with Amateur Radio for Less"
Submitted by Eric (KFØS).
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