RARC Meeting Minutes - November 2006

The November meeting of the Rochester Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:00pm, Tuesday 11/14/06, by President Eric Van Norman (KFØS). There were approximately 25 members present.


  1. Treasurer's Report
Checking: $ 1653.13
Savings: $ 1784.57
CD @ 5.00% ( repeater fund) : $ 4092.11
Cash: $ 85.00
Total: $ 7614.81
    Major transactions this period:
    2007 Dues              +$50.00           
    FM Contest Prizes         -$65.87
    · Membership - Bob (KCØGND):
  1. Stands at 115 members this month
  2. 2007 dues can be paid. They are delinquent on December 31, 2006. They can be paid tonight, at the Annual Meeting or via club mail.

Committee Reports

  1. Programs - Bill (KØRGR):
    1. November: Brad Phelps, AIØBP, on "Doing More With Amateur Radio for Less"
    2. December: Holiday party at Victoria's – 6:30 p.m.
    3. Discussion on another 2-meter contest this winter.
  2. Technical committee - Rob (KCØFOW):
    1. There is a plan to reload configuration and speed-dial numbers on the 82 and 625 repeaters.
    2. Discussion and motion passed to purchase a CBA II battery analyzer.
    3. Discussion and motion passed to purchase a MFJ 269 antenna analyzer.
    4. List equipment available for checkout on the web.
  3. ARES - Bob (ABØBW):
    1. Make sure you're registered, registration available online
    2. Your ARES ID cards expire at the end of this year. There will be new ones issued next year.
    3. If you would like to be added to the ARES Net control stations contact Bob.
  4. EOC - Steve (WØSTV):
    1. The EOC is currently being rebuilt from the floor up. Hopefully by the end of the year, there will be a second copy of the downtown EOC which can be used as backup. A possible program next year will be a tour of the new facility.
    2. The 145.67 node has been moved to a water tower by the Event Center.

Other/New Business

  1. Current plans are for a Spring class on the Saturdays of March 3 and 10.
  2. The nominating committee has been busy and the following slate of candidates was presented. Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting on December 12th.
    1. President, Dave Naatz, KØVH
    2. Vice-President, KariAnn Wiles, KCØWIP
    3. Treasurer, Bob Hart, KCØGND
    4. Secretary, Dave Seavey, KCØUCN

The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m.


The program this month was Brad Phelps, AIØBP, on video discussing "Doing More with Amateur Radio for Less"

Submitted by Eric (KFØS).

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