RARC Meeting Minutes – December 2007

Meeting Date: 12/11/07 Start time was approximately 7:30pm


The RARC Annual Holiday Meeting was held at the Wiles' home in NE Rochester. Approximately 40 members/guests were in attendance.


No old business was discussed and there were no committee reports presented.


An election for officers was held by written ballot. The following officers were selected by the RARC membership:

Secretary: Daryl Mowrer ACØID
Treasurer: Bob Hart KCØGND
V. P. Stan Cram KDØBQ
Pres. KariAnn Wiles KCØWIP

Upon the conclusion of the election, KØVH handed over the gavel to the incoming president and thanked the club for their participation throughout 2007.


The business meeting was concluded at 7:45 and the evening proceeded with a holiday program that included a slide show and discussion on RARC's programs in 2007.


Submitted by KariAnn KCØWIP



Treasurer's Report:  Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Checking $1215.82
Savings $1485.73
CD @ 3.39% (note 1) $4244.21
Cash $20.00
Total $6965.76

Transactions this period:
2008 Dues +$255.00
IBM Grant +$980.00
Donations +$36.60
Interest +$0.01
Radio City -$734.74
Qwest -$16.33
PO Box #1 -$56.00
Office Supplies:QSL Cards -$6.83

Membership status:   112 club members  (22 paid for 2008)


Respectfully submitted,


RARC Treasurer


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