RARC Meeting Minutes - February 2007

Meeting Minutes, Feb. 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Dave, K0VH at 7 p.m. .

There were 31 members and 1 guest in attendance.

The treasurer’s report was approved on a voice vote. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved on a voice vote.

Treasurer Bob, KC0GND, reminded the members that Dues are now due. We had 4 new members at this meeting.

The Tech Committee reported on their meeting, where it was decided to pursue a new antenna and feedline for the .82 repeater.

The ARES report noted that SKYWARN training will be on 3/21, no smoking and no food. The status of the 145.67 Packet Radio node was also discussed.

There is a new 10 meter net at 8 p.m. on Tuesdays when the club is not meeting. All amateurs are invited to join this net, including the Technicians who recently gained privileges on this band.

K0VH presented a discussion on “on the air etiquette”.

Other business items discussed included:

  • Repeater control ops are needed.
  • There is a request for a handson class on how to set up a station.
  • Eyeball QSO night was proposed.
  • It was suggested that we pursue some kind of class credit for the ham class for School kids.
  • It was suggested that we offer a free seminar ‘this is Ham Radio”.
  • It was suggested that we participate actively in SEAMARK and JOTA.

Following the business meeting, our ARRL Section Manager, Skip KS0J, did a presentation on ARRL and we had a question and answer/discussion session after.

submitted by Bill K0RGR

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