RARC Meeting Minutes - July 2007Minutes - July 10, 2007 - RARC The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by President Dave Naatz KØVH Treasurer Bob, KCØGND, offered this report:
Secretary: The minutes for the last three meetings were approved as posted on the web site. Technical Committee:
Public Service: We have a Biatholon and a Triathlon coming up - check the .82 repeater on the Sunday night net for details ARES: Bob is looking for ARES members, you can register on the RARC website. They are also seeking net control operators for the Sunday night net, and John , NØHZN is looking for MEDARES volunteers. SKYWARN: The SKYWARN net will be bimonthly on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month on the .255 repeater. SKYWARN maps are available. Sgt. Turk is starting to work directly with us and finds us quite professional. The Board voted to give Sgt. Turk a complimentaray membership for his efforts with SKYWARN. Send SKYWARN pictures to WØSTV. The preamble for the net is missing from the website. Contests: KØMD has been working lots of DX - the IARU contest is this Saturday. We are in Zone 7. BPL: Mel KCØP reports nothing new Old Business: Both Pat and Peter purchased bandpass filters, which were used at Field Day. The club voted to reimburesse Pat as well as Peter for the filters at a price of $301.50. KCØWIJ is going into the National Guard at Ft. Sill, OK and will be gone until February. New Business: The August meeting will be on 8/14 at 6 p.m. at Oxbow Park. This will be our annual club picnic. This year, Kari Ann and Bob are also planning a foxhunt. WØVLZ is trying to help sell the equipment of WØJED, including a tower which is free for the taking and a vintage high power amplifier - a Hallicrafter's. He also has some other gear for sale from Pat's garage iincluding an HT-37. John Reed's videos are on the web on YouTube, and are getting a lot of hits. KØVH is looking for volunteers to help with College for Kids the first week of August. Sgt. Jon Turk and Joel Hanson KDØAFF congratulated the club for their good work with the Rochesterfest Parade and the SKYWARN event last weekend. Thanks to our efforts, the police department was able to evacuate an outdoor concert with 6,000 spectators without any incidents prior to the thunderstorms arriving. They were able to let the concert go on as long as possible, thanks to the remote observers. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted |