RARC Meeting Minutes - March 2007Minutes – RARC Meeting 3/13/2007 Meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by president Dave Naatz, K0VH The Treasurer’s report was received and approved. The Technical Committee moved to appropriate not to exceed $2,100 to purchase a Hustler HX6-14448 antenna for the 146.82 repeater, and to hire someone to install the antenna and salvage the old one. The motion was passed on a voice vote. Public Service Committee reported that the Med City Marathon will be at the end of May – see KF0S – we will need about 10 people. The Centurion bike race is still an unknown. ARES – working on badges – SKYWARN Training will be 3/21 – new SKYWARN maps are coming. Brad, AI0BP, reported that several people were involved in helping to remodel the EOC, APRS is up and running and they are working on using ATV and spotter callouts via SMS text messaging. DX and Contests – reported ongoing and upcoming DX and Contest activity. BPL – Mel, KC0P reported that RPU is still gathering requirements. The new 10 meter net on Tuesday nights is flourishing on 28.320 at 7:00 on Tuesdays when there is no club meeting. K0VH wanted to remind us of the program ideas mentioned in February :
The business meeting was adjourned at 7:35. The after-meeting program was a demonstration of digital modes by AB0BW submitted by Bill K0RGR |